There are a number of health problems that can cause us to accumulate toxins in the blood, resulting in the appearance of health problems such as a slowdown in the immune system, increased blood pressure, among many other disorders. Therefore, it is vital to know what the natural methods can be to purify the blood with these delicious drinks.

The body naturally creates toxins that accumulate in the body over the years and endanger our health. To help us improve blood purification, in today’s post we propose 6 magnificent natural drinks whose effectiveness is more than proven.

Natural drinks to purify the blood

The following drinks can be most effective in purifying the blood and helping the body eliminate harmful toxins that contaminate it. In addition, these drinks can help you to leave the whole organism in optimal conditions.

1. Burdock to improve circulation

Burdock is one of the best remedies that exist to purify the blood and lymphatic system. You can find it in the form of an infusion in any herbalist in your area and in general its properties will benefit the better circulation of the blood, with which we will also avoid retaining fluids and swelling. For its administration the most recommended is that you take a couple of cups of burdock tea a day. Its preparation is very simple, we just have to add a teaspoon of this herb in 200 milliliters of water and let it boil.

2. Elderberry to purify our body

The elderberry is a natural laxative par excellence. Its cleansing and antiseptic properties also do not go unnoticed. It reduces inflammation and has a double astringent and bactericidal action , so its consumption is very beneficial for the liver and kidneys. We can find it in natural product stores and the ideal is to have a cup of this infusion a day after lunch.

3. Nettle: 100% natural drink to purify the blood

A natural remedy popularly known throughout the world. The nettle is a very good medicinal plant to purify our body and that is capable of eliminating toxic substances from the body quickly. It is also a diuretic , so like elderberry it is good for our kidneys. As for its consumption, a good cup of nettle infusion in the middle of the afternoon may be the best.

4. Dandelion to cleanse the blood and body

The infusion with dandelion is also very suitable to take after the main meal, before the snack. It helps the blood circulate better, eliminates toxins and cleanses our body . To make it, you just have to add a few of these flowers to a glass of boiling water and let it rest for 5 minutes before drinking it.

5. Aloe Vera to strengthen the body

Aloe Vera is a plant that is used to prevent and cure a large number of ailments. It has cleansing, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It stimulates our immune system, which makes us more resistant to external aggressions and is also antiviral and detoxifying. It is, in short, a revitalizer for our body, so consuming aloe vera tea every day is a very healthy habit. Also a juice of this plant is very beneficial.

6. Garlic drink and red wine to purify the blood

This drink helps us activate the metabolism and therefore reduce body fat. It also serves for the correct elimination of excess salt from the body, so its contribution when purifying the blood is assured. See more information about the benefits of garlic and red wine to treat other ailments.

How to prepare this drink?

We are going to need 12 cloves of garlic and a pint of red wine. We cut the garlic into small pieces and put them in a glass jar next to the wine, close it and leave it somewhere with direct light, such as a window, for 15 days. After this time it is filtered and it is ready for consumption. You should take three tablespoons a day for a month to begin to notice its effects.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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