There is a gland in the front of the neck called the thyroid . Its main function is to regulate the body’s metabolism through the secretion of the hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine). It has some effects on the muscles, bones, heart, and cholesterol as well. When this thyroid gland becomes overactive, it begins to secrete excessive amounts of T3 and T4.

If you lose weight quickly and for no reason, experience excessive sweating, feel a rapid heartbeat, or become nervous and moody, you may have an overactive thyroid. There can be different causes of hyperthyroidism . Most people suffer from hyperthyroidism from Graves’ disease in which the body’s immune system attacks the thyroid gland. Sometimes it is also caused by an inflamed thyroid (goiter) or small growths on the thyroid gland known as thyroid nodules.

5 Home Remedies to Treat Hyperthyroidism

Whatever the cause, if you leave this disease untreated, it can lead to heart and bone problems and sometimes a condition called a thyroid crisis or thyrotoxic crisis. These are 5 home remedies that can be supportive if you suffer from this autoimmune condition.

1. Foods rich in goitrogens

Goitrogens are a natural substance found in various foods, especially cruciferous vegetables. Goitrogenic foods work as natural antithyroid drugs. They slow down the thyroid through various means. These can inhibit the body’s ability to use iodine or stop the process through which iodine is converted to thyroid hormones. Sometimes it can inhibit thyroid hormone secretion. Here is a list of goitrogenic foods that hyperthyroidism patients can consume. They are most beneficial when eaten raw.

Bok Choy
Coles de Bruselas
Kale/Col rizada
Nabo sueco

2. La menta de lobo

Bugleweed (Lycopusvirginica) is a good remedy for hyperthyroidism, especially when your symptoms include shortness of breath, palpitations, and tremor . This herb works to reduce the amount of hormone produced by the thyroid. The lithospermic acid present in bugleweed lowers the levels of some hormones, including the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T3). This acid also prevents antibodies from binding to cells in your overactive thyroid gland. Many studies have shown that it helps lower TSH and T4 levels. It also affects the synthesis of thyroid hormone synthesis. Bugleweed also contains the conversion of T4 to T3. You can make bugleweed tea or use bugleweed tincture to treat this condition.

One way to use bugleweed to treat hyperthyroidism is tea

Take this:

½ – 1 teaspoon of bugleweed or 1 tea bag of dried bugleweed
1 cup hot water
1-2 teaspoons of honey (optional)

Do this:

Place the dried herb or tea bag in a mug.
Pour the boiling water into it.
Let it sit for 8-10 minutes.
Strain and let cool.
Take this once a day.

Second way to use bugleweed for hyperthyroidism is tincture

Take this:

4-8 drops of bug mint tincture
1 teaspoon of water or fruit juice

Do this:

Add the bugle mint tincture to the water or juice.
Place this solution under your tongue.
Repeat 3 times a day.
Be patient with this treatment. It can take 1-2 years to cure hyperthyroidism. However, you can start to feel a little better within a few days.

Caution: Pregnant and nursing women should not take the herb bugleweed.

3. Lemon / lemon balm leaf for hyperthyroidism

The lemon or lemon balm leaf, like bugleweed, belongs to the mint family. It has been used traditionally to cure nervousness, migraine headaches, hypertension, and hyperthyroidism. Some in vitro studies have shown that lemon balm helps block receptors for hormones that stimulate the thyroid. This inhibits the binding of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) to the thyroid tissues. It also inhibits the binding of autoantibodies in Graves’ disease. You can have lemon balm tea or tincture. It is also available in capsule forms. For the appropriate doses, you should consult a herbal doctor. Here’s how you can make lemon balm tea, which is another way the lemon leaf is known.

How to make lemon leaf tea

Take this:

2 tablespoons dried lemon leaf herb
1 cup hot water

Do this:

Place the herb in a pot.
Pour the hot water into it.
Leave infusing for 5-10 minutes.
Strain and let cool.
Drink 1-2 cups a day.

4. Motherwort for hyperthyroidism

Motherwort, again an herb in the mint family, is good for hyperthyroidism. It does not do this directly by working on the thyroid gland or hormones, but it helps bring balance by alleviating symptoms related to overactive thyroid such as palpitations, anxiety, lack of sleep, and depressed appetite as well. This herb can be used as a natural beta blocker that helps with conditions such as high heart rate and palpitations. It can be taken as a tea or tincture

How to make motherwort tea

Take this:

1 tablespoon motherwort
1 cup hot water

Do this:

Place the herb in a pot.
Pour hot water into it.
Let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes.
Strain and let cool.
Drink 1-2 times a day.

How to use motherwort tincture

Take 10-20 drops of motherwort tincture in a small amount of water twice a day.

Caution: If you are taking heart medications, consult your doctor

5. Omega-3 fatty acids for hyperthyroidism

The fatty acidsThey are the main components of our cell membranes and also have an important role to play in regulating inflammation through prostaglandins. Prostaglandins, like hormones, have many important functions in our body, including cell growth. Inflammation has to be properly regulated and autoimmune conditions like Graves’ disease have to be kept under control. If you lack these fatty acids, it becomes difficult for the thyroid gland to be normal again. Fatty acid deficiency will lead to inflammation that can further trigger the autoimmune response and thus release thyroid antibodies. Both omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acids produce good prostaglandins. While Omega 6 is essential for various body functions, they have to be balanced with sufficient Omega 3 fatty acids. However, more omega-3 fatty acids are needed than omega-6. Why? You will find out after knowing these sources of fatty acids:

Omega-3 fatty acids:
Cold-water fish such as herring, mackerel, sturgeon, and anchovies
Flax seeds
Olive oil

Omega-6 fatty acids:
Vegetable oils

Now why should you have more omega-3 fatty acids? Because omega-6s are pro-inflammatory and omega-3s are neutral. What you also need to know is that the more omega-3 fatty acids you consume, the less omega-6 will be there to affect tissues causing inflammation. If you have a diet that includes more omega-6 than omega-3, it will increase inflammation.
And remember, inflammation must be well regulated to avoid triggers for Graves’ disease.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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