Forensic psychology is an applied branch of psychobiology that studies the relationship between the entire legal field and its correspondence with human behavior. Thus, it covers legal, civil, criminal and institutional areas , such as criminal conduct in prisons.

Characteristics of forensic psychology:

  • It guarantees the civil rights of the perpetrators and victims.
  • Study the personality through projective, statistical, and objective tests.
  • Designs programs for the prevention, rehabilitation and integration of the accused in society.
  • Designs treatment programs for victims and their interaction with the legal system.
  • Supports the qualification of the conduct of judicial actors, but does not act as a prosecutor

How does forensic psychology work?

Starting from all its expressions, be it institutional, criminal or judicial; Forensic psychology deals with two important focuses: diagnosis and therapy. In this way, the personality patterns, sociocultural analysis, and character of the accused will be determined.

On the other hand, from the therapeutic point of view, the psychologist will develop assistance work in institutional centers such as prisons, checkpoints and reformatories. Thus, seeking to benefit resocialization and prevent reoffending behavior .

Likewise, forensic psychology deals with all those problems that have emerged in court cases. These problems usually seek to find and qualify the mental integrity of a defendant and his victims.

An example of the above mentioned could be the crimes of a serial killer. In this way, forensic psychology determines the underlying disorder of the offender , as well as the psychological profile of the victims.

Branches of forensic psychology and their utilities

There are mainly 3 fundamental branches that have their roots in forensic psychology, these are the following:

Judicial psychology

The purpose of this is the study of all the factors and actors of the legal sector . Passing this way, by perpetrators, victims, lawyers, judges and witnesses. Likewise, this sector seeks to verify the credibility of the testimonies of those involved.

Thus, these verifications are carried out through evaluative techniques of personality, emotions, and states of consciousness involved in the events.

Criminal psychology

This area studies the various elements that intervene to determine and qualify antisocial behaviors . In this way, it studies the different characteristics of the personality and behavior of criminals.

On the other hand, this sector carries out a statistical study on the most common crimes within a specific community. Thus, taking into account factors such as culture, politics, the sex of those involved, the profile of the victims, and the forms of recidivism.

Prison psychology

This field studies the psychic conditions experienced by subjects deprived of judicial freedom within prisons. With this, it seeks to determine which would be the alternatives of adequate treatment within prisons that do not negatively affect the psyche of the individual.

In addition, prison psychology seeks to study which are the most beneficial strategies for the criminal to rehabilitate . In this way, it will be able to adjust and later be adequately reintegrated into society.

It can be said that forensic psychology is the study of the biological and legal factors of criminal responsibility based on civil conduct. Thus, it is necessary to maintain a preventive control , as well as a more detailed study of violent crimes. In the same way, this field of study always seeks to guarantee the civil rights of inmates.

Forensic psychologists must know and abide by the specific rules and standards of the legal system of the country where they practice , in order to be considered credible witnesses. Since it is essential for the professional to understand the accusatory model by which the system works.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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