Are you one of those who prefers to stay at home while your classmates go out to dance? Do you choose your friends carefully, do you think very well what you are going to do or say and do not make decisions impulsively? Do you enjoy your inner world and are you able to lose yourself in it for hours? Is it difficult for you to join groups? Maybe you are one of the 4 types of introverts that exist ! Find out who you are.


Introversion has been defined as a polar trait to extraversion. However, the concept is not as simple as for that reduction. Thanks to the psychologist Jonathan Check who developed 4 profiles or types of introversion, today we know the characteristics that differentiate them from each other.

Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. -Oscar Wilde-

A person when evaluated according to their traits may be included in one or another type of introvert. Let’s clarify that these are not characteristics that are chosen at will because being an introvert is a condition of the personality, although we have the ability to manage some characteristics so that they play for and not against.

What kind of introvert do you think you are?

There are tests to find out what kind of introvert you are. Here we share basic information about each one. Let’s see:

1. Introverted reserved

They are those people who have a leisurely pace, take their time to think and much more to act. They spend their time exploring their environment and do not join a group until they are very sure of knowing it. They are great observers and not at all impulsive! They tend to measure their opinions or actions and prefer to listen to speak.

2. Introverted thinking

They dedicate themselves to the exploration of their inner world and they do it very acutely, even “getting lost”, moving away from the external world by immersing themselves in their thoughts.

Not necessarily these types of people show signs of social aversion, they simply enjoy being alone, imagining and creating.  

3. Social introvert

They are people who avoid interaction and social contact, especially with large groups. They prefer small groups or the company of a single person with whom they feel comfortable, or sometimes they prefer total solitude without causing anxiety.

It is often confused with shyness, but unlike it, social introverts feel better with little company and it is not that they feel ashamed to interact.

4. Anxious Introvert

They tend to be lonely people not for pleasure, but because they have difficulties for interaction and social friction, which generates greater anxiety, even the relationship with themselves may be affected.

Your thoughts are often repetitive about your interaction failures. This lack of self-confidence affects decision-making and communication with the people around them.

Finally, we must remember that society and its scale of success seem “designed” for extroverts, so introversion is sometimes frowned upon because it dislodges in a world that encourages being brave, influential and sociable. It is not like this. Different personalities enrich the world and give life nuances.

Each person, with their way of being, talent and strengths deserves their space.

Know yourself and don’t judge yourself. Treat yourself with kindness and enjoy yourself!

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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