Diabetes is a disease that has to do with very high levels of glucose in the blood. Every year more people suffer from it and many of them do not know they have it. However, those who suffer from the symptoms of prediabetes are many more. Therefore, this article discusses a short test that can help you determine if you are prediabetic.

Prediabetes: What is it?

The prediabetes is a term used to indicate a high level of blood sugar. Although it is not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes, it is possible that it will develop in the future. However, this also does not indicate that all people who are prediabetic will experience diabetes 2 .

It should be noted that those with a high glucose level can have diseases related to diabetes. For example, heart disease, hypertension or nerve damage. The important thing is the diagnosis in time, to avoid major health problems, since it is known that diabetes is a ” silent disease “.

Symptoms of prediabetes and diabetes

Both prediabetes and diabetes have the same symptoms and in some cases they are not visible. Some of the visible symptoms are:

  • Increased thirst.
  • Need to urinate very often.
  • Fatigue.
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Vision problems
  • Wounds that take time to heal.
  • Tingling in the hands and feet.
  • Dry mouth and eyes.
  • Apple breath.

Finger test for prediabetes

The main test to diagnose a glucose problem is with a blood test. Performing a fasting blood glucose, a glucose tolerance test or a glycated hemoglobin test can be decisive.

When conducting the various studies, it is determined that the result is higher than normal and is called prediabetes. However, the levels are extremely high in a person with diabetes.

However, there is a simple way to determine if you have prediabetes. It is a test that consists of using the fingers of the hand to answer a series of questions. This guide can diagnose this condition, in just 1 minute.

For this test, risk factors that lead to prediabetes or diabetes are taken into account. These elements can be age, sex, family history, among others.


Instructions should be followed and one finger raised each time it is necessary depending on the answer.

  • Raise a finger if you are a man, if you are a woman, do not lift any.
  • Raise a finger if you are over 40 years old, two if you are over 50 and three if you are over 60 years old. If you have an age that does not exceed 40 years, do not lift any fingers.
  • Raise a finger if you are a sedentary person, who does not do any physical activity. Otherwise, do not lift any fingers; if you are active and exercise regularly.
  • If there is a family history where someone has diabetes, lift a finger. If no family member suffers from this disease, do not lift any.
  • Lift a finger if you are hypertensive. Raise two fingers if you are overweight and three fingers if you are obese. No finger if you have a normal weight and normal blood pressure.

At the end of the questions, the number of fingers that were raised should be evaluated. If they are 5 fingers up, it is very likely that you have prediabetes. However, although the diagnosis is not precise, it can guide to determine this disease. It is best to have a blood test and take the appropriate measures to level blood glucose.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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