A homemade recipe to prepare aloe vera jam at home and enjoy all the benefits of aloe in a delicious preparation to add flavor to your meals.

This recipe to prepare homemade aloe vera jam is one of the easiest to make, and for this, we must first refer to the preparation of one of its main ingredients, pectin, which can be prepared at home or acquired already prepared. and the difficulty of achieving it will depend on the place of residence. Let’s start by differentiating these 3 types of preparations:

Difference between jam, jam and jelly

Jams are fruits that are chopped and cooked with sugar until they are like a puree with some pieces of fruit and jams are fruits, whole or chopped, cooked in a syrup. The jellies consist of fruit juice cooked with sugar until obtaining a transparent jelly.

What is pectin?

Pectin are gelatinizing substances, which have their origin in vegetables (seeds, peels, pulp …) Pectin is the fundamental element that produces the coagulation of the product. The action it produces is to hold the sugar, other solids and water in a kind of net or mesh and is obtained by boiling the fruit in water.

How to make homemade pectin

  • 900gr of sour apples, clean and chopped or
  • 900gr of shells, hearts and
  • 1700ml of water.

Put it to cook in a large pot, cover and cook quietly until the apples are broken. Then it is quenched with a gauze-lined nylon strainer and allowed to cool.

Lemon is also another of the natural preservatives in jams, it is a way to compensate for the lack of acidity of many fruits and also preserves the product better.

Aloe vera jam

Ingredients and preparation of the Aloe Vera Jam.

One of the important things in this recipe is not to subject the aloe vera to too much heat, that is, keep the syrup from the jam first, thicken it with pectin, mix the aloe vera to get it to melt with everything without boiling, that way We can give it that jelly-like texture of the jam.


  • 500 gr. of Aloe Vera stalk clean and chopped
  • 350 gr. of organic sugar.
  • 350 cc. of water
  • 25 gr. of pectin
  • Two tablespoons of lemon juice


The water is put in a saucepan and heated to add the sugar, it is stirred so that they come together and creating a well linked, consistent syrup. You have to be careful not to boil it if you don’t do it, to make syrup you just have to make it bind the water and sugar well without the water evaporating, that is, without boiling.

Once the syrup is blended, it is removed from the heat and when it is not excessively hot, add the Aloe Vera, the pectin and the lemon, stirring and heating it gently to finish binding everything.

Once the desired texture is achieved, it can even be crushed more, they are immediately packed in glass jars with a lid so that they are kept in a dry and dark place for a long time.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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