Living ecological habits is not something that requires a lot of effort or is complicated. We just have to change a series of routines, small things that we do without thinking, for others that are much healthier for us and our planet. Here we propose 10 tips to lead a life of harmony with your home and nature.

The following are some ecological solutions for the home that you may already know, but you should have them more than present when you want to save economically and keep your space in condition, using what is necessary.

10 green solutions for the home

1. Do not waste water: Turn off the taps when you are not using them and fix them if you see that they leak. If you have the habit of bathing, better change it for a quick shower. Always use the washing machine at full load.

2. Use ecological cleaning products: You can find them without problems in any store that sells natural products and lately they are so fashionable that they have their place in large surfaces. They are not harmful to your health or that of your environment, they do not cause allergies or skin rashes.

3. Separate garbage: In some countries it is considered a crime not to separate garbage in different containers, specifically designed for it. More than half of what we discard can be recycled and separated into plastic, organic material, cardboard packaging and glass.

4. Do not buy small packages : Whenever you can, do not buy juices and cookies in small plastic packages. Drinks can be purchased in glass bottles and we can always buy large packs and then divide them at our house.

5. Use natural paints: Traditional paints can cause skin problems, cause allergies and predispose to asthma and other diseases of the bronchial tubes. Therefore, ecological paints are an excellent alternative.

6. Do not use synthetic fabrics: Fabrics made with 100% natural and handmade products and procedures are currently available in almost every city and town in the world. They are made with breathable, hypoallergenic and pesticide-free materials. So you can make linings for your cushions or curtains with them without problems.

7. Take care of your energy consumption: Turn off the bulbs that you are not using, such as the one in that room where there is no one or the one in the hall. Buy energy saving light bulbs that will save us a lot of energy and money in the long run. See these tips to save electricity at home

8. Support local trade and crafts: Industrially produced products have passed from hand to hand throughout the world, consuming a large amount of unnecessary resources and energy. Therefore, to the best of your ability, it is best to buy what you need in stores in your area.

9. Recycle everything: Save the clothes of your older children so that they can be used by the younger ones, reuse the school supplies, do not throw away any device because it stops working, try to fix it or give it other uses. Use the used newspaper to dry the floor, do not discard a napkin for a small stain if you can turn it over.

10. Take advantage of rainwater: there are several systems to save rainwater that are especially useful for watering garden plants. It is better to do it at night, because that way the water takes longer to evaporate. How to reuse rainwater

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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