Immaturity is very common in part of relationships , that is why the balance tends to tip to one side of the relationship in these cases. But how to know that your partner has not matured is a question that takes time to identify it in the correct way.

8 clear signs to discover if your partner has not matured

Many times immaturity can be related to the undeveloped personality or fear of growing up that some people present. Couple relationships represent an appropriate setting for growth both on a personal level and on a couple relationship level .

For this reason, fear often does not allow to continue advancing and immaturity appears in the couple. On the other hand, it must be understood that each couple and person has their own growth rate and that we do not all grow at the same time and we do not grow in all aspects at the same time.

Your parents are too present in your life

Maturity also comes with the emotional independence of the parents; but what happens when the presence of their parents is too constant. If his parents call him all the time, they want his presence more than usual or they pamper him like a baby; It is surely a clear sign that your partner has not matured.

You don’t control your finances

Maturity means that there is a responsibility in money matters, the value of it, savings and budgets is well known. An immature person does not control his finances or does it very badly, does not think about “tomorrow” or saving, spends more than he earns and probably has debts or turns to his parents.

Has the priorities backwards

When you are young it is normal to think of parties, friends, travel and fun as priorities; But as we mature, our priorities begin to change and we think more about the future and the responsibilities that an adult must assume. If your partner, despite the fact that he is in his twenties, continues to think only of himself, of having fun without measuring consequence, of continuing to live a stage that must be left behind together with adolescence, it is very likely that your partner has not matured or at less has not matured like you.

Live like you’re 18 and you’re 30

Another of the clearest signs that your partner has not matured is eternal adolescence. Living life like you’re 18 and forgetting all responsibilities is fine once, but living life like this every day, something is definitely wrong.

Has the fear of commitment

Immaturity is synonymous with fear of commitment , so say the experts. A mature person is aware of the relationship and the seriousness that it entails, thinks about the future and has set goals together, and thinks of marriage as a real possibility.

He does not know how to express his feelings

Over the years shyness begins to overcome and feelings can be expressed more easily, maturity gives us that necessary security and poise to do so. However, immaturity prevents expressing feelings clearly, they even feel ashamed of doing so; which is usually very exhausting and frustrating for the couple.

He does not take care of his image

When you are young and immature, walking around with your hair blowing in the wind and your pants ripped can be an image of rebellion; But as the years go by it stops being funny If your partner has not matured, it probably reflects it in his dress and personal care. Although this is a merely superficial trait, it is often related to an attitude towards life and as a way of continuing to disagree with the norms.

Don’t accept your mistakes

Saying them I’m sorry or I was wrong are phrases that are not in the vocabulary of an immature person. Maturity gives us a better perspective on things and makes it easier to accept our mistakes, faults and failures; But more importantly, it makes us accept our mistakes and change for the better. However, if your partner has not matured, he is doomed to repeat his mistakes over and over again.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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