There are innumerable ways of conceiving reality since everyone puts their personal touch on it, however, a neurotic will assume every challenge that life places in front of him with exaggerated stress, a high degree of frustration and a large dose of anger or aggressiveness.

What is neurosis?

It is a psychological disorder associated with the inability to control emotions on the part of the individual. Generally, neurosis is manifested by poor adaptability to changes and challenges that may arise.

Intolerance is quite marked for those who suffer from this disorder, which can be demonstrated through manifestations of aggressiveness or irritability.

Characteristics of neurotic people

Each and everyone, at some point in time, experiences levels of neurosis , which are usually low and do not cause major problems, however, some people have high levels of neurosis that, if not treated, can trigger mental illnesses and affect them. in a negative way in the performance of their daily activities. The symptoms that these individuals usually present are the following:

Permanent feeling of sadness

They lose the ability to establish contact with the joy of living, as well as with the positive aspects that can be located in each space of life.

They come to show signs of deep sadness similar to depressive states. They can always be seen bereaved, distressed and melancholic.

  • They are extremely touchy, irritable, and sensitive.
  • They are prone to emotional instability.
  • They have negative feelings towards others such as: envy, jealousy, resentment, anger, anger and guilt.
  • They show general apathy:

This condition manifests itself through a lack of interest in carrying out or participating in recreational or enjoyable activities.

How can Neurosis affect us?

Neurosis as a disorder can negatively affect us in practically all areas of our life, as it makes us people with few tools to face the challenges of day to day. In addition, it generates other types of problems such as the following:

Extreme resistance to changes

This particularity means that the person with high levels of neurosis loses flexibility with respect to changes and new situations that may arise. In the presence of new situations, they will become angry, angry, pessimistic and with an extreme level of stress.

This reaction is usually disproportionate to the magnitude of the stimulus that is being presented according to the opinions of people who are going through the same situation, who cannot understand the way in which they assume the situations.

Therefore, neurosis provides a severe disadvantage for the individual who suffers from it with respect to other people since their progress and learning are constrained by fears and negative feelings that overwhelm them, in fact, they lose the ability to reinvent itself and adapt to the demands of the environment in a satisfactory way.

Difficulty controlling emotions

A key factor for the satisfactory performance of an individual in their daily lives is directly associated with the management of their emotions, which starts from knowing them and making contact with them, which is the first step to be able to control them.

The person with neurosis , despite being aware of their day to day, cannot connect with their emotional side and loses the ability to control themselves. It can be stated that they suffer from a continuous emotional imbalance.

Problems in interpersonal relationships

The bad attitude they assume regarding life, as well as everything that makes it up, added to their intolerant, disrespectful, unkind, pessimistic and negative behavior, among others, are deteriorating their relationships with all the people around them.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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