The toilet is one of the inventions that stands out in modern society, however, keeping toilets clean and disinfected can be a headache for many, especially calcium deposits, or commonly called toilet scale, it can seem impossible to clean and give the toilet bowl a new look.  


Fortunately, tartar and impurities in toilets are usually quite easy to remove with a few tricks you can do at home and a household solvent or two. Before proceeding fully to know these tips, it is important to know what are the causes of these scale deposits in our bathroom , something very common in all homes and even present in sinks and other water tanks.

What causes tartar in the toilet

What causes tartar and other yellowish and brown colored impurities in the toilet is a buildup of calcium and other minerals. The toilet is a favorite place for tartar stains because there is always a little water fluctuating in the bowl, waiting to cause problems. These stains build up over time resulting in an unsightly brownish color around our toilet bowl .

Scale deposits in the toilet tend to be larger and harder in places with drinking water because more lime and minerals are present in the water supply. Calcium deposits are not confined to the toilet, unfortunately. These can be present anywhere there is water flow, including the sink, shower, walls, and shower head, among others.

How to avoid limescale in toilets

There are ways to prevent tartar from accumulating in toilets and other parts, in this way we will save a lot of work. First, you could install a system to soften the water in your home, unfortunately, these are usually very expensive, so the next thing is to be aware of the first sign of formation of these calcium deposits. This ensures that its removal is easier to carry out, however, with the following tips you can also remove tartar deposits stuck in the toilets , without having to buy a new one.

How to remove tartar from the toilet

Use white vinegar and lemon

First of all, we are going to try to solve it in an environmentally friendly way. We must use a mild, natural acid, such as lemon juice or vinegar, this can be very effective to peel calcium deposits in the cocoon. Depending on the severity of the stain, the liquid may have to be reapplied and vigorously scrubbed several times with water sandpaper or a rag. To achieve a better effect, you can drain the water from the toilet to make the applied liquid have a higher concentration and effect.

A pumice stone

Pumice stone can easily remove tartar stains stuck to the toilet, but you should never use it dry, as this can cause damage to the toilet. To avoid this, immerse the stone in water and wait for it to soften a bit, in this way scrub the toilet and you will see how the scale peels are removed, if you combine it with the previous technique you will obtain faster results.

Use cola soda

The action of coca cola can help you remove stains from the toilet, for this you must also combine it with other products to maximize its effect. For this you will need:

  • A long-handled brush
  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • A cup of vinegar
  • 350 ml of coke

First we will apply the coca cola (having the toilet dry beforehand) then we must brush very well and let it act for at least 30 minutes, before stirring the liquids with water, it is likely that in this step the scale deposits are already released, although not everything.

Now pour the white vinegar together with the baking soda that we must sprinkle very well on the tartar stains. Later we will have to brush the area very well to finish loosening the entire stain. As a last step, add baking soda again and give it a last scrub with the brush, this should be enough to leave the toilet completely clean.

Muriatic acid (as a last resort)

If none of the above solutions have worked, there is a riskier way to get the tartar completely removed. For example, muriatic acid can get rid of calcium deposits quickly, but it is also very difficult on porcelain and dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing. First, make sure the area is well ventilated to avoid poisoning.

Also, be sure to wear eye protection, rubber gloves, and clothing that completely covers your skin. Next, pour 5 gallons or more of water into the container, followed by the slow and careful addition of 12 ounces of muriatic acid. Next, use a brush with a long handle to carefully spread the solution around the stain. This step might have to be repeated several times over the next hour or two, but doing so should completely eradicate tartar and those stains in the toilet. It is important to prevent children or pets from having contact with water, and try to leave the toilet lid closed.

This is a last resort solution, since it is best to try the homemade solutions provided, and if they do not work, repeat them, since these tartar deposits can be very stuck, but they are not impossible to eradicate, although in some cases requires more effort.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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