A woman without love is like a rose without the sun: sooner or later it will fade without fully shining. It is love that gives women infinite energy, inspires them and makes them feel more beautiful. Of course, love also transforms men and makes them feel the same.

But it is for the beautiful half of humanity that love is one of the basic needs underlying personal happiness. In this article we will try to find out how to become a loved and desired wife or it does not matter if you are a single woman, in both cases you deserve to be happy, valued and loved by your partner or whoever is by your side.

You are not missing a half, but you can find a complement

This can fully reflect the importance of the presence of mutual love in every woman’s life . It is very short, but enough to express the main reason why we all strive for love.

The fact is that, due to certain psychological characteristics, a person only feels fully a whole and harmonious person when in his life there is another person who sincerely loves and accepts him. When we are children, this role is played by the mother or father, and in adult life by a loved one.

Of course, it can be argued that an adult does not require any additions, but this is not entirely true. We all need security, admiration, care and attention , which we can get completely from another person and give it at the same time. And this is the main manifestation of love, a great sense of unity and full acceptance.

I want to feel loved and wanted

If the rules of fairy tales worked in our lives, just waving the magic wand would suffice. But, unfortunately, our reality is far from being a fairy tale world, being necessary to achieve everything independently. Including mutual love, that longed-for love until death, in which desire and love are intense every day.

Only in fairy tales and rose novels is the meeting of glances enough for a supernatural love to emerge. Of course, you can still believe that true romantics and princes still exist somewhere else.

But waiting until this almost extinct species finds you and they are happy in love, is kind of silly. First of all, the competition from smart and beautiful women is very high. Second, it can take so long that the expression to the grave is all too real. Therefore, if you want to be loved and happy now, you must take your destiny in your own hands, and this is the right way to give yourself and give love, to do it from and for you.

How to be a loved and desired woman?

Thus we come to the most important question, torment of women around the world: how to be loved and desired . Immediately understand that you cannot force a love, and you cannot build your happiness with the pain of others. These popular sayings are full of worldly wisdom and are based on the bitter experience of our ancestors.

Therefore, if you want to be truly loved, desired and happy, then you must find someone who is willing to expect the same from you, because if a man is not free he will not be able to focus on his relationship as he can. someone who truly loves you.

It is something very different if both are free and happy with each other, but without declaration of love. In this situation, it is sometimes necessary to take the initiative in relationships . Only you have to be careful, because many of the men are like wild horses. They barely hear the sound of the bridles of a serious relationship and immediately run aimlessly.

To begin, you must ensure that the moments you spend together are the most desired in the day for him. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance:

  1. Find someone who is kind and loving . If you are very lucky, your partner will also have a family that taught him how to be that way. Having in-laws who treat you like a member of the family will make your life that much more enjoyable.
  2. Find someone you can talk to . As time goes by, this quality is more important than appearance, money, or position. If you can’t talk to your partner or cry on his shoulder, it won’t be a good match.
  3. Find someone who makes you laugh . A sense of humor can help you overcome many of life’s obstacles. If someone can make you smile when you don’t feel like it, that’s a great company you need in your life.
  4. Look for physical compatibility . Physical compatibility has more to do with contact than sex. If you are a tactile person, you need to be with someone who shares that desire. People’s desire for sex changes throughout life, but our need for contact remains with us.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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