Discovering cysts in the armpits or any other type of lump in the armpit can make you feel worried or worried. Because armpit cysts are generally painless, you may not even realize you have one. Cysts in the armpits can be as small as a pea or they could develop into a larger cyst that becomes infected and causes pain in the armpit.

There are many reasons why lumps can form in the armpit. For example, you could suffer from ingrown hairs that infect the hair follicles or the follicles can become blocked and swollen. Because there are lymph nodes in the armpits to help fight infection, any infection in your body can cause the lymph nodes to swell and may be painful.

Because any new lump could be a sign of something more serious, you should always have a new lump that doesn’t go away checked by a doctor to make sure it’s benign.

In this article, you will discover what causes armpit cysts, how to differentiate between a benign cyst and a worrisome lump, home remedies to treat them, and when to see your doctor.

What are armpit cysts

The cysts underarm structures usually harmless as sacks are filled with pus, fluid or other material . For example, if a cyst fills with sebum (the oil that the skin makes) or keratin, the sac may fill with a soft, cheese-like substance. Cysts feel like bumps and can sometimes be painful. If the armpit lump is filled with pus, it is usually called an abscess.

The cysts are not cancerous and will feel like a small pea under the skin. They can usually be moved or rolled under the skin. In this way, it is possible to tell the difference between a benign cyst and a lump that is cause for concern. If you discover a growth under the skin that is difficult and does not move, you should always see your doctor for a checkup.

Symptoms of axillary cysts

There are some telltale symptoms of cysts that can develop and grow in the armpit or other area of ​​your body.

Most often, cysts are painless lumps or bumps. Cysts usually appear just below the surface of the skin and can feel hard or soft and can grow in size. However, cysts that become infected or inflamed will become painful and may need drainage or removal by a specialist. In general, most cysts are the result of small blockages in the flow of body fluids.

Causes of armpit cysts

Let’s take a look at some of the causes of armpit cysts and why they can develop in the armpit area.

Use of antiperspirants

A common reason for having an armpit abscess is the use of antiperspirants. Antiperspirants (not deodorants) are often a cause of cysts or abscesses that form painful lumps in the armpit.

Many antiperspirants contain aluminum to control sweat production. Aluminum forms a plug that blocks the production of sweat. Aluminum antiperspirants can cause skin irritation or inflammation.

Due to the harmful chemicals present in many deodorants and antiperspirants, many people choose to use natural home remedies to get rid of underarm odor, such as making your own natural underarm odor control deodorant. These homemade deodorants are very effective and will not irritate the armpit which can result in a painful infected abscess.

Sebaceous cyst in the armpit

Another type of cyst that can cause discomfort in the armpit area is a sebaceous cyst. This type of cyst can occur in the armpit if a hair follicle or sweat gland becomes blocked.

Sebaceous cysts fill with an oily or cheese-like soft material that creates a firm lump. As with epidermoid cysts, sebaceous cysts in the armpit will become tender, red, and painful if an infection enters the cyst.

Bacterial infection in the armpits

If bacteria get into some of the pores in your underarm area, you could end up with an armpit abscess or boil. Abscesses and boils are painful, red bumps that are often filled with pus. However, some boils do not reach the head and can be difficult to drain.

Hidradenitis supurativa

One reason for armpit cysts is a medical condition called hidradenitis suppurativa . This painful skin condition causes small boils like bumps and cysts that appear near the sweat glands and hair follicles, especially in the armpits.

Cysts in the armpits caused by ingrown hairs

An ingrown hair is a common reason for a hair follicle in the armpit to become blocked and turn into a cyst. Typically, shaving or waxing the armpits is one of the main reasons for hair growth to reverse and infect the skin, which can break out an infected lump in the armpit.

A cyst caused by an ingrown hair in the armpit can be very painful. One of the ways to prevent it is by always shaving in the direction of hair growth. You should also make sure the armpit hair is moistened to make shaving easier.

Exfoliating the skin with a natural olive oil and sugar or baking soda and coconut oil. This helps remove dead skin cells and prevents cut hairs from growing back on the skin.

Epidermoid armpit cyst

A pea-sized cyst in the armpit could be an epidermoid cyst . This is a harmless lump that forms from keratin – the substance of which skin cells are made.

Epidermoid cysts can form anywhere on the body. The cystic sac is formed from skin cells and is filled with a semi-fluid substance. Generally, epidermoid cysts in the armpit are not painful. However, they can be painful if they become infected.


The growth of tissue under the skin of the armpit can turn into a tumor called a lipoma. Lipomas are not technically a cyst because they do not fill with fluid or pus.

Lipomas are generally small soft bumps under the skin that appear on the armpits, upper body, thighs, and arms. A minor injury is believed to be the cause of these harmless bumps under the skin. They are not painful.

Swollen lymph nodes

Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit are often the result of a viral infection and can feel like a cyst. Lymph nodes are part of the body’s immune system and filter bacteria, viruses, and other waste products.

Lymph nodes swell due to injury, infection, or a tumor near the lymph node. A lump in the armpit due to infected lymph nodes can be the result of an infection in the arm or hand. In rare cases, swelling in the lymph nodes in the armpit is caused by breast cancer or lymphoma.


As mentioned in this article, cysts are non-cancerous lumps that develop under the skin . However, there is always the risk that a lump is more than a cyst.

The American Cancer Society says that lumps that appear around the armpit could be a sign that breast cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. Sometimes these lumps appear before breast cancer is discovered. However, benign lumps are much more common than cancerous ones. Therefore, it is important to have any new lumps removed by the doctor.

Home remedies for armpit cysts

In many cases, axillary cysts can disappear without taking any action, however some may require treatment. One of the best and most recommended ways to get rid of armpit cysts is to place a warm compress on the cyst . The heat from the compress helps stimulate blood circulation to the affected cyst. Heat also helps reduce pain in the inflamed lump.

What you should do to remove an armpit cyst:

  • Gently wash the affected armpit with soap to remove bacteria on the surface of the skin.
  • Dip a cloth in hot water and squeeze out the excess water.
  • Apply the compress to the cyst and hold in the armpit for 20-30 minutes.
  • Every now and then, dip the cloth in hot water to keep it warm.
  • Repeat the process 3-4 times a day to help lead the cyst to erupt and speed up the healing process.
  • When pus begins to drain from the cyst, apply a clean bandage to prevent bacteria from entering the wound.

It is cautioned against trying to get rid of a cyst by squeezing it. If you try to erupt a cyst, it could cause the lump to become inflamed and infected, and possibly spread the infection.

When to see a doctor for an armpit cyst

Cysts in the armpits are generally harmless and do not need any treatment . However, for cosmetic reasons or if the cyst develops an infection, you may need to have a doctor examine the cyst and remove it.

If an armpit cyst is bothering you, it is recommended to visit the doctor in these circumstances:

  1. The cyst causes embarrassment or discomfort in the armpit.
  2. The cyst is painful and tender to the touch and there are signs of infection.
  3. The lump in the armpit begins to grow rapidly.
  4. The armpit lump feels hard or firm or does not go away in 2 weeks.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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