The contraceptive pill is a tablet that you must take every day so that you can avoid pregnancy. This contraceptive method is safe and if you follow all the indications it is effective, there are many types and brands, to find out which is the right brand for you the best option is to go to a consultation with your gynecologist and after asking you some questions he will tell you the brand that best suits your needs.

Contraceptive side effects

The birth control pills , like all drugs, they usually have some side effects . Although, it all depends on our body and how it assimilates this pill.

Here are the 7 common side effects of birth control:

Make breasts grow

It is called hyperesthesia to the sensitivity in the skin and feeling of dullness, in this case the contraceptive pills produce it in the breasts. You will feel them much larger and more sensitive than normal, generally this effect is obtained in the first weeks after starting the contraceptive pills. The most advisable thing for this side effect is to reduce, and if possible avoid, the intake of caffeine and salt so that this side effect is reduced a little.

They noticeably decrease sexual desire

This is because the hormones responsible for sexual desire in women are exactly the same ones responsible for making women pregnant. Contraceptives also reduce testosterone levels , the hormone to which sexual desire is attributed, in addition to preventing ovulation, when there is more testosterone in our body, however there may be other factors that influence such as relationship problems, stress , health, anxiety. Still, if you are completely sure that birth control is to blame, consult your gynecologist to try a different pill.

They make your period not go down

This is because menstruation appears when your levels of testosterone, estrogen and progestin are low (which also causes the hateful pre-menstrual syndrome ), also affecting your mood. When you are taking pills, basically you are taking hormones so these during the dates when your period should arrive are not really low since you get them in the pills, this makes your period not arrive. However, some pills use a placebo to keep it as regular.

They cause an alteration in vaginal discharge

In general, the intake of contraceptive pills could drastically increase your vaginal discharge , or on the contrary, noticeably decrease the secretion of vaginal discharge while you have intercourse. It is important that if this condition lasts a long time you should go to your gynecologist to avoid and rule out future vaginal infections and consult a change of pills that best suits you.

They produce vaginal bleeding between periods

This is the most common of all the side effects of the pills, during the first 2 to 3 months of taking the pills 5 out of 10 women suffer from this vaginal bleeding that does not correspond to their period and only 1 in 10 after the 5 months. It is also important that if after 5 months this continues, you visit your gynecologist to check that everything is fine and to change the pills, only if necessary and recommended.

They can cause strong mood swings

Contraceptive pills could also cause depression, this is because during the period and the menstrual cycle there are many constant hormonal changes and with the taking of contraceptive pills you have the same level of hormones throughout the menstrual cycle, this could cause depression in some women, especially in those women who already have a depressive history either because they had depression before or because of a family history, the most important thing is that if you present this history, you tell the gynecologist and if this effect is new as well.

Birth control pills increase your body weight

Technically the pills are actually causing fluid retention in some women, mostly in the chest and hips, which causes weight gain.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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