Discover the easiest crops to grow in a home garden and in smaller spaces. That space is not a problem so that you can have organic food and grown at home, so if you are decided you can start with these easy crops.

Edible gardening has never been more interesting than now. Money is saved, the planet is conserved, and our epicurean appetites are satisfied. Edible gardening gives us an excellent opportunity to enjoy the fresh and interesting flavors that the earth has to offer and that money cannot buy. It is the key for children to be more adventurous with food, thus experiencing new flavors; and this is exciting.

How to make a small garden at home?

Growing easy, fast and profitable is very simple. You may wonder what can I plant in my home garden ? And the truth is that you can grow a wide variety of foods, everything is determined by the preparation of the soil and the correct climate. In addition, almost all vegetables are possible to grow from home.

If you are looking to make easy and profitable crops , it is best to make pictures with recycled wood with measures according to the space you have and the number of plants you will plant. For example, to plant tomatoes, you can make some boxes in the ground and fill them with a layer of 50% compost and 50% nourished virgin sand, no beach sand. Regardless of the space, the wood should be about 12 to 15 inches deep. This method is applicable to almost all orchards. You can also grow at home in pots with the same compost-soil mixture depending on the space.

Easy to grow fruits

There are a wide variety of easy-to-grow fruit plants at home , some of which are:

  • Grapes
  • You have to
  • Passion fruit
  • Lemon
  • Melon
  • Pin

Most common garden soils are very well prepared for growing vegetables, but avoid extremes. If the soil is thin, that is, shallower or full of stones so that it causes the carrots to squirm, you will need to build raised beds or grow in large pots. Clay soil is rich in nutrients and good for summer crops. However, since this type of soil feels cold and wet in winter, you will need to build raised beds to extend your season.

5 easy crops to have a garden at home

Here are 5 other easy crops to grow:

1. Onions

Start with small plants, and if you do it right, you can harvest bulb onions . If not, you can always eat the green shoots. Buy the plants at a vegetable store and make sure they are healthy, free of mold or bruises.

2. Peppers

Both chili peppers and peppers are easy to grow. Start with the plants and allow the peppers from the same plant to ripen for different lengths of time for a range of colors and flavors .

3. Zucchini

This squash won’t take up as much space in your garden as many other types, and it’s very prolific. It starts from seeds or transplants. You won’t need more than a few plants for a bountiful harvest .

4. Tomatoes

There is simply no substitute for a perfectly ripe harvest tomato, and it’s hard to go wrong when starting out with strong plants. If you get a large crop, consider canning or freezing it .

5. Basil

Many herbs are easy to grow, but basil is a good choice because it makes a good addition to tomatoes. From seed or transplants, you can easily grow basil .

You can grow any of these fruits or vegetables without any problem and surely you and your children will obtain many benefits from this harvest. We encourage you to start a garden at home , put our advice into practice and thus enjoy this extraordinary experience, not counting the money you will save.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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