It is normal to experience different emotions, both positive and negative, throughout life that can change our mood from one moment to the next. Being depression, a much more common pathology than is believed , affecting a large number of people.
In addition, if depression is prolonged and not treated, it can get worse, developing a clinical picture with more serious diseases.
On this occasion, we will talk to you about major depression, so that you can better know what this psychopathology consists of, as well as what its symptoms, causes and how it can be treated.
What is major depression?
Major depression is characterized by being a disorder that can trigger problems both emotionally, as well as psychological and physical , thus being a disease that greatly affects those who suffer from it.
This psychopathology, unlike many others, is characterized by being unipolar, which makes it more important to treat it early, since it does not usually present what are known as ‘mania phases’. In addition, this disease can be found at the following levels:
- Light.
- Moderate.
- Grave.
As this disorder affects both the psychological, as well as the emotional and even physical aspects, those who suffer from this problem can experience a state of apathy where they do not feel interest or motivation towards anything . Being also, unable to experience feelings of fullness, happiness or pleasure.
This obviously has a negative impact on the quality of life of those affected, both personally and socially. Therefore, the ideal is to go to a health professional who can evaluate and indicate the most appropriate treatment to follow, as the case may be.
Types of major depression
There are mainly two types of major depression, which differ from each other according to the recurrence that this disorder may have. Next, we will talk about each one of them.
Major depression with a single episode
As its name indicates, in this case people only experience the depressive picture during a single episode, without any type of recurrence of it occurring again.
Recurrent major depression
Unlike the previous case, those who suffer from this type of major depression often experience several depressive episodes at different times in their lives. However, for this disease to occur, the episodes must appear at least 2 months apart after no symptoms have occurred.
To confirm that you suffer from major depression, 5 or more symptoms of those mentioned below must be present, during a period of at least 2 weeks:
- Sleep disorders, such as insomnia.
- Loss of appetite
- Self-esteem problems.
- Suicidal thoughts or ideas.
- Feeling of fatigue or tiredness.
- Trouble concentrating or doing simple tasks.
- Psychomotor problems.
- Demotivation to carry out activities.
Causes of major depression
It is possible that this psychopathology may present more frequently both in adolescence as well as in early adulthood. However, the fact that it may appear at any other stage of life is not ruled out.
Regarding its causes, although there is no specific element that produces major depression, several factors can significantly influence its appearance, such as:
- Traumatic experiences lived in childhood.
- Some genetic factors.
- Developed personality traits.
- Situations where great adversities arise.
- Difficulty socializing.
- Dopamine deficiency.
What is the treatment for major depression?
There are mainly two treatments that can be carried out to treat major depression, these are psychotherapy and drug treatment . Being psychotherapy, quite effective to treat cases of depression, especially the milder ones.
However, when a severe clinical picture occurs, the implementation of drugs in treatment may be necessary. However, these products should only be consumed under strict medical supervision, with their respective prescription.
In case you suffer from this psychopathology or you suspect suffering from it, it is recommended that you go to a specialist in this area of health . Since in this way, it can provide you with a specific diagnosis, as well as indicate the treatment to follow, depending on your case.