Combination skin may require some different care than oily or dry skin, but dermatological advice and home remedies can reduce problems caused by very dry or oily skin.
While some people only have to worry about excess oil on the skin and others about dryness, those who suffer from combination skin have a double task, as they will not be able to take care of their complexion in a uniform way, since what works in a part, it may be detrimental to the other. What is the key to dealing with combination skin? below the answer.
Basic recommendations to look good when you have mixed skin:
The face is usually divided into two parts; the central one, called the T zone – includes the chin, nose and forehead – and the lateral one, made up of the cheeks. Although in some cases the uniformity with regard to skin type is maintained, the truth is that, by tendency, the first part of the face always tends to be more oily than the rest of the skin.
The reason for this is explained by the ease with which the cheeks dry out, giving rise to what is known as mixed skin, a type of skin that demands cleaning and constant hydration because it is more prone to the formation of expression lines under the eyes.
Basic care of mixed skin:
Unlike those with an oily or dry tendency, those with combination skin should offer their skin care separately . What does this mean? that while the greasy parts require the use of astringents and tonics, the dry ones demand moisturizing creams and a product without soap when cleaning.
In the same way, the use of sunscreen is essential, avoiding those that promote the production of sebum, as they will only make the greasy parts worse. Taking care of hydration and nutrition does not lose relevance, at least 8 glasses of water, and balanced diets that avoid the consumption of foods with excessive saturated fat or junk food, is the premise.
Natural remedies and homemade masks for combination skin
Some home remedies and food care can make a big difference for a person who suffers from skin problems due to mixed skin.
1 apple
The first suggestion is an effective apple-based tonic, a fruit recognized for its effective results, restoring balance to the skin; Its preparation consists of processing an apple – previously washed and cut into cubes – along with half a glass of water. The result will be applied directly to the entire face, leaving it to act for 10 minutes, before removing with cold water.
Another good option with fruit is to combine its effectiveness with the vitamin A present in carrots, an essential element in the care of combination skin. In this case, 1 small carrot and 1/2 peeled apple will be put into the blender. The paste obtained must be spread on the skin, allowing it to rest for half an hour before rinsing with plenty of lukewarm water.
2. Yogurt natural
The virtues of natural yogurt are so many that they are equally positive for oily skin, as for dry skin , becoming an infallible ally of mixed skin; The same happens with honey, hence its combination in the following recipe is simply perfect, it requires:
- 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- The juice of half a lemon
The procedure begins by heating the honey a little so that its properties are better released – a good option is to place the teaspoon over the flame of a candle – having it ready, it is time to combine it with the rest of the ingredients in a container of glass; Once the preparation has been homogenized, apply it with the help of your fingers or a brush, all over the face, avoiding the eyes.
It should be left to act for about 20 minutes and remove using warm water.
3. Clay
The excess oil and impurities in mixed skin is counteracted by the action of the clay , making it suitable for the care of oily skin; Since the idea is to find a balance and simultaneously hydrate the dry part, it will have to be complemented with something else. A great recommendation is almond milk, thanks to its recognized moisturizing effect. How are they used? combining:
- 2 tablespoons of clay
- 3 tablespoons of almond milk
In a glass bowl, mix the couple of ingredients and spread on the face to take effect for approximately 15 minutes; after this period, stir with fresh water.
4. Avocado
For the farewell, an effective and simple mask based on avocado and honey is proposed ; Its preparation consists of extracting the pulp from the first – to make it puree – and combining it with the second. From the result, a thin layer will be applied to the clean face, leaving it to rest for 15 minutes before removing with natural water.