Dandruff is a problem that appears in most men and women , its appearance in the hair can be one of the main causes of poor hygiene, resistant bacteria and other physiological disorders.

Dandruff is also related to the imbalance during the process of expulsion of dead cells in the scalp, it is then when the annoying white or yellowish particles appear throughout the head.

Natural remedies to remove dandruff

To prevent this from happening, it is important to know how to remove dandruff with natural remedies that can also help keep the scalp in optimal condition .

These treatments to end dandruff can be used both on dry hair, oily scalp and also for damaged hair , the compound of the ingredients of these remedies can improve the quality of your hair while restoring shine and vitality to damaged ends. and completely eliminates dandruff, naturally.

White vinegar

This natural product has become one of the best ingredients to eliminate dandruff completely. The white vinegar has acetic acid which makes the environment of the hair not be suitable for the development of fungi or bacteria. What is needed is to mix a little vinegar with three parts water in a clean container.

When the mixture is ready, it should be applied to the hair after using a shampoo, then rinsed with lukewarm water. Another option is to apply the vinegar directly to the scalp and wrap it in a towel, leaving it overnight. In the morning you wash as usual and that’s it.

Lemon to fight dandruff

Lemon has acids that have the ability to eliminate the fungi that cause this unsightly problem, which is why it turns out to be a good natural remedy for dandruff . To see the results in a short time, you must obtain fresh lemon juice to massage the scalp, then leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it with shampoo followed by a conditioner. This method can be used every day until the dandruff has disappeared .

Olive oil


The constant use of olive oil helps keep the scalp away from dandruff , dryness and flaking. To benefit from this natural product, you need to heat a little oil in a container until it is warm, then it is used to massage the affected area, giving the massages in a circular way. The hair is then wrapped in a towel for about half an hour and then rinsed as usual.

Baking soda to remove dandruff

The sodium bicarbonate can be used to prepare a natural remedy for dandruff. So that the results can be noticed in a short time, it is first necessary to moisten the hair from the ends to the roots, then rub a little of the product on the scalp, leaving it to act for 15 minutes. It is then rinsed with lukewarm water without using shampoo.

Sage Aloe Vera

The aloe vera is a natural plant that has antifungal and antibacterial properties that help control dandruff . For its positive effect, it is recommended to apply fresh aloe vera juice directly to the root of the hair before a shower, then wash it with a mild shampoo so as not to mistreat it. The procedure can be repeated every day until the problem has disappeared.

Alhova seeds

Thanks to the soothing and antiphonal properties of alhova, it is possible to combat dandruff, so it is recommended to soak some seeds of this product in water overnight. In the morning when they have softened, they are ground until obtaining a homogeneous paste, then it is applied to the entire scalp giving soft and circular massages. Then it is left to rest for three hours and then it is rinsed with the same liquid where they were soaked. If the breed is severe, the ideal is to apply the method twice a week.

Thyme and sage


Both ingredients have antifungal and antiseptic properties, which is why it is considered a natural treatment to eliminate dandruff . To prepare it, take four tablespoons of dried thyme and four tablespoons of sage, then add it to a container with two cups of water.

Let it boil for 15 minutes, after time strain it and let it cool. Next, part of this treatment is used to gently massage the scalp, leaving it to act for a few minutes. For the results to be positive, the hair should not be washed for two or three hours.

Causes of dandruff on the scalp

  • Exhaustion
  • Stress or emotional tension
  • Severe exposure to cold
  • Bad habits and poor scalp care
  • Inadequate diet (high in sugar or carbohydrates)
  • Constipation
  • Dermatitis seborreica
  • Appearance of a fungus called Pityrosporum orbiculare , which feeds on skin oils

Other searches:

  • Tricks to remove dandruff
  • How to remove dandruff from hair
  • Dandruff treatment
  • What is good to remove dandruff

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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