Choose a soft old shirt and lay it out on a table. Use scissors to cut and remove the sleeves, be sure to leave the seam in place, this keeps your bag strong.
Place a plate halfway through the neck opening of the shirt. Trace the outline with your pencil or pen. This will be the cut line to create the opening for your tote bag. Cut along the drawn line.
Turn the inside of the shirt over and pin the bottom of the shirt along the hem and sew the bottom down.
Use the sewing machine to sew the bottom hem of the shirt closed. Strengthen your tote bag by sewing over this seam a second time.
As a variation you can consider adding a “reinforcement” to the bottom corners and also reinforcing the sleeves.
Another variant to consider. Add pockets using pieces from the cut sleeve and turn them into pockets. These are more decorative than useful but you can make them bigger and deeper too. It will serve to carry some extra objects that you do not want to mix with the other products.
Turn the shirt right side out. You just made your own upcycled tote bag.
As we have already mentioned, this bag can be filled with groceries, gym clothes, game supplies, library books, etc. Keep it handy in your car. This helps to avoid generating more pollution and garbage.