When nothing changes in life, change your hair. And nothing could be more interesting than adding some cheerful colors to your hair and seeing yourself in a new image. But not all of us feel comfortable testing our hair using chemical-based products. So here we offer you some recipes and ways to naturally color your hair .
Herbal hair coloring recipes
That’s right, no matter how hard the hairdresser tries to convince us that there is no harm in chemical hair coloring, not all of us feel safe enough to try, not even on some strands of hair. For those people, we share some basic tips for coloring hair at home with absolutely natural and herbal ingredients.
Use beets to color hair
Beets, a good source of iron, and carrots, a high source of antioxidants, can give your hair a reddish look . Pick these delicious veggies off your plate and use them for your hair color and beauty.
Make a juice with these two vegetables and spray this combination all over her hair. If you don’t prefer juice, make a thick paste and apply it all over your hair with a brush.
Keep it for 30 minutes, use a hair dryer or go out in the sun for 30 minutes to let it dry. Rinse with shampoo followed by conditioner. Use color protection shampoos for long-lasting effects. Wear your old dark t-shirt while applying this to your hair.
Use henna to cover gray hair
Henna is an old way of covering grays. It is also one of the best natural ingredients for coloring hair, thanks to its extremely pigmented quality. Not only will it give hair color , it also has the properties to condition and nourish the hair.
Moreover, the color lasts for about a month. Take half a cup of henna and mix in half a cup of water. Make a smooth and thick paste and apply it to your hair with a brush. Rinse after two hours with a conditioner. Add the above concoction if you want to get a brown hue.
Coffee for brown hair highlights
Prepare a decoction of your favorite coffee. Brew a tablespoon of tea or coffee for 20 minutes. Let the water reduce by about a third and then let it cool.
Filter the concoction and keep it aside. Wash your hair followed by good conditioning. Pour the mixture on your damp hair. Repeat this twice a week for nice brown highlights. The same concoction can also be made with nails to add a reddish hue to your hair.
Saffron for a fiery tone
Take a tablespoon of saffron and boil it in two cups of water for about 20 minutes. Let the liquid cool down. Now apply the liquid to your hair from root to tip. Make sure your hair is completely covered with the liquid. Leave it for an hour or two. Thereafter, wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
Do not throw away the walnut shells, they will give your hair a beautiful color
The empty shells of the walnut have hair coloring properties. Squash them and boil them for half a minute in water. After the excess liquid has cooled, strain and apply to hair from roots to ends. Keep it for an hour before rinsing it off with shampoo. This will give your hair a dark brown hue .
Other ways to color your hair naturally
Herbs to give hair a light color
- Pure and strong chamomile tea (made with 1/2 cup of herbs for every 2 cups of water). It is poured on the hair and left for several hours. Sitting in the sun during this time will increase the effect more quickly.
- Lemon juice spray applied. It is applied, the hair is brushed and it is left for several hours (in the sun). It will also produce natural reflections.
- A rinse at the end of each shower with chamomile tea (leave in hair) will produce naturally soft, silky and lighter hair over time.
Recipe for a faster blonde effect
- 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
- 2 cups of strong chamomile tea
- 1/2 cup of strong calendula tea (optional and will produce more golden tones).
- Mix all the ingredients in a spray bottle or small bottle.
- Shake well before each use. Spray or pour into hair and brush.
This works best when applied to hair directly before sun exposure and left for 1-2 hours before being rinsed off. It can be used several times a week until the desired color is achieved.
You can also use this as a rinse at the end of a shower (and then rinse gently with water), although it will take longer to have an effect. This is not going to have a dramatic effect overnight, although in the sun for a few hours it certainly makes a lot of difference.
Herbs to get a red tone in the hair
This will create a dark strawberry blonde / red tint on lighter hair and a reddish tint on darker hair. The effects are cumulative, extended use for a while will create a more vibrant red. The easiest thing is to make it part of your hair care routine if you want red hair to continue.
- 2 cups of water
- 1/2 cup fresh calendula flowers or calendula petals from your garden
- 2 tablespoons (or more for redder tones) of hibiscus petals.
- Boil water and simmer the calendula and hibiscus for at least half an hour.
- Strain the flowers and store in the fridge.
Use as a rinse at the end of each shower. With dry hair in the sun if possible. Repeat daily until desired appearance is maintained and then every few days to maintain.
Give your hair a brown color with hortiga, rosemary and sage
It is easier to darken hair that is already light brown or darker , although these colors even darken blonde tones. Always test on a small section of hair before using on the entire head, especially chemically treated hair. Used as a rinse, these will also darken gray hair if used for a while. The more it is used, the darker the results.
- 1/4 cup nettle leaf
- 1/4 cup rosemary leaf
- 1/4 cup sage leaf
- 2.5 cups of water
- Simmer the herbs with the water in a small saucepan for at least 30 minutes or until the water is very dark.
- Remove from heat and when cool, strain the herbs, making sure all small pieces are removed (use cheesecloth).
- Place in the fridge.
Spray on hair about an hour before showering each day, then wash as usual. It can also be used as a rinse and leave at the end of each shower. Repeat until you get the desired color.
It has a cumulative effect and you probably won’t notice much of a difference in the first few days. The herbs in this mix are also good for getting rid of dandruff and for increasing hair growth.
Black walnut for dark brown hair or black hair
If you have very light hair, it will be difficult to achieve very dark tones with just herbs, although with enough patience, it can be done. As always, test on a small section of hair before use.
For very dark hair, put 1/4 cup of Black Walnut powder in a tea bag or gauze bag and steep it in 3 cups of water in a glass jar for at least 6 hours or overnight.
Use as a hair rinse in the shower and blow dry in the sun if possible. This will create very dark hair, especially if you have dry or color treated hair. It will also provide a darker coat for gray hair. Repeat every day or when necessary to maintain a dark layer.
Use strong black tea as a final rinse to darken any hair color . This is also nourishing for the hair and provides a temporary darkening effect on most hair types. Repeat as many times as necessary to achieve the desired appearance and dry in the sun if possible.
With any of these herbal hair colors, be sure to test on a small part of your hair for the first time, especially with colored hair. Experiment with any of the above and mix them up to get the right combination for your hair. Have you ever used natural hair colors or rinses?