The avocado seed is very beneficial for the body , despite being an element that we often throw away, the properties that this seed contains can help our body reduce cholesterol, act as a powerful antioxidant and be a powerful natural antibiotic , among many other benefits. Learn more about how good the avocado seed is and start using it.

Reasons to eat avocado seed

Did you know that the avocado seed is packed with great health benefits? Check below each of the properties that the avocado seed has and see all the ways in which it can be consumed. After reading this, you will realize how you have left a very rich source of nutrients for the body, such as antioxidants, in the trash.


The avocado seed has more antioxidants than most fruits and vegetables, and it also contains polyphenols similar to those found in green tea. They are full of more soluble fiber than most foods, which aids in digestion and circulation.

For gastrointestinal tract problems

In South America, avocado seeds are used to treat dysentery and other problems in the GI tract. The seeds contain a large amount of phenolic compounds that can prevent bacterial and viral diseases, as well as gastric ulcers .

Reduce the cholesterol

Eating the avocado seed can also help in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and strokes. The avocado seed lowers cholesterol levels and may protect against the formation of arterial plaque, according to a study published in the journal Plant Foods in Human Nutrition on March 3, 2012. Researchers credit the reduction of cholesterol levels in the high content of dietary fiber from the seed, by binding to cholesterol in the intestinal tract and preventing absorption.

It is good fat to eliminate body fat

This fruit can help you win the battle against belly fat. Due to the high content of “good fat” in avocado and its seed, consuming avocado seeds can help you feel fuller, paving the way to lose body fat without sacrificing satiety with so many diets. Eating an avocado with seed included per day can help keep cravings at bay.


The antioxidant activity of avocado seed can also stop cardiovascular disease by preventing lipid oxidation, a process that leads to the formation of arterial plaque. The avocado seed contains a variety of antioxidant phytochemicals, including flavonoids and proanthocyanidins.

These important antioxidants protect the body against free radicals associated with aging and disease. A 2003 study found that the seed of an avocado is much higher in antioxidants, up to 70 percent higher than the fruit itself.

Natural antibiotic

The avocado seed also has natural antibiotic and anti-fungal benefits . According to one study, avocado or avocado seed extracts inhibited a variety of pathogens, including candida and the mosquito that carries the tropical yellow fever disease.


The antioxidants in avocado seeds can help reduce inflammation, can help heal joint pain, and keep other inflammatory conditions in check.

Research conducted by Pennsylvania State University and published in Current Pharmaceutical Design in 2013, says that the phenolic antioxidant compounds in the seeds can reduce high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and reduce inflammatory diseases. The research also found that the seeds have insecticidal, fungicidal, and anti-microbial properties.

High potassium level

The avocado seed is very high in potassium, which is very important for our body. The potassium level decreases as the fruit ripens and is higher when the avocado is not yet that ripe.

More reasons to eat avocado seed

  1. 70% of the amino acids in avocado are in the seed, its oil reduces cholesterol levels and helps defend the body against cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks.
  2. Studies have shown that avocado seeds have more soluble fiber than any other food.
  3. The flavonol contained in the seeds prevents the growth of tumors.
  4. They strengthen the immune system and help prevent debilitating diseases and their antioxidants slow the aging process.
  5. The anti-inflammatory properties of the seeds seem to help people suffering from arthritis and other diseases.
  6. Rejuvenating effect: studies have shown that they increase the amount of collagen in the skin, giving it a smooth and wrinkle-free appearance.
  7. The oil from the seeds will add extra shine to your hair and help prevent dandruff .
  8. The seeds help to lose weight since according to some studies it reduces glucose in the blood.

How to eat the avocado seed and obtain its benefits

  1. It’s no wonder that many people are reluctant to eat avocado seed – it’s big and tough. But cutting it with a good butcher knife into smaller pieces, you can make your avocado seed ready to be mixed into any smoothie of your choice.
  2. It is virtually tasteless when mixed with the strongest-tasting fruits and vegetables, yet packed with nutrients that offer whole-body healing. Make sure to use a super strong and heavy food processor that grinds the avocado seed very well.
  3. Some people dry the seed by leaving it in the sunlight on the window and later make it powder, while others grate it, even cook it, to be able to add it to sauces, salads or as a condiment for food. You can also buy avocado seed powder at your local health food store or online and use it in teas, soups, broths, smoothies.
  4. Stirring, roasting, and drinking the seeds in tea helps control asthma. According to QiGong medicine, avocado seeds contain high levels of Qi energy, which help us feel in tune with life energy.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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