Preventing breast cancer is one of the jobs that women currently have as their main objective . We need to start discussing the reasons why cancer rates continue to increase exponentially and what lifestyle changes we can make to combat this disease. For example, there are many ways we can prevent breast cancer; read on for a simple and natural method that you can do from home.
It sounds strange that if you are a man, you have a 50 percent chance of developing cancer in your lifetime, and if you are a woman, you have a 33 percent chance.
These rates are very high and the escalation is expected to continue, at least in part because we spend so much time trying to find a cure and spending little to find the cause.
Cancer is caused by physical carcinogens, chemical carcinogens, and biological carcinogens, all of which we deal with on a daily basis.
These “cell transformers”, in the form of food, cosmetics, health care products, and more, have become “normal” for us.
It’s time to start questioning the environment we choose to surround ourselves with if we want to get to the bottom of why disease is so excessive and uncontrollable.
Aluminum in deodorants, agent that causes breast cancer
To prevent breast cancer we must document ourselves very well since there are very effective and not difficult ways in which we can face this possibility of contracting it.
An example of how it can be purchased, (of the many) are cosmetics and other products that we choose to put on our skin, such as deodorants.
In 2007, a study was published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemestry in which researchers analyzed breast samples from 17 breast cancer patients who had painful mastectomies.
Women who used antiperspirants had aluminum deposits in their outer breast tissue. The study noted that aluminum concentrations were higher in tissue closer to the armpit than in the central breast.
This is quite alarming, as the increased incidence of tumors in the upper outer quadrant of the breast appears to support the claim that aluminum-containing deodorants are contributing to breast cancer.
That said, aluminum is a neurotoxin that has been experimentally shown to be linked to all kinds of diseases (like Alzheimer’s disease, to name one).
There are numerous studies that have examined the potential of aluminum to induce toxic effects, and this is clearly stated in the medical literature, and has been for a long time.
It is noteworthy, that aluminum salts used as deodorants have been incriminated in contributing to the incidence of breast cancer in Western societies.
Another previous study explained how aluminum is not a physiological component of the breast, and yet it has been measured in human breast tissue, as well as in breast cyst fluids at levels higher than those found in blood serum or milk. .
Many deodorants also contain triclosan, which recently made headlines through alternative media after a study published in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology found that the chemical stimulates cancer cell growth.
So it’s not just aluminum in antiperspirants that we have to be concerned about. Triclosan can also pass through the skin and interfere with the function of the hormone (endocrine disruption).
Prevent breast cancer with armpit detox
These are some ways in which you can keep your armpit under continuous detoxification and thus prevent toxins from accumulating through the different routes that can enter your bloodstream and skin.
In the end you will be able to appreciate a recipe to make every day and thus prevent breast cancer due to toxic accumulation. Follow a healthy diet, avoid stress and lead a healthy holistic lifestyle.
Sweating has many important health benefits. One of them is that sweating is one of the best ways to expel toxins from your body.
This in turn supports proper immune function and helps prevent illnesses that could be related to toxic overload. You can do it by exercising and in saunas.
Natural homemade deodorants
Do some research on alternative solutions. Find deodorants that do not contain aluminum and other harmful chemicals.
You can also look up natural deodorant recipes on the web and make your own; the most common is the one made with baking soda and coconut oil where you mix an amount of baking soda with a part of the oil to form a smooth and easy-to-handle paste to spread on your armpits.
Armpit detoxification to eliminate toxics
A common way of armpit detox to prevent breast cancer is with the following recipe:
- 1 tablespoon organic apple cider vinegar
- 3 drops of rosemary essential oil
- 5 drops of coriander essential oil
- a tablespoon of bentonite clay
- From here, you mix ACV and clay in a glass container, then add essential oils to the point where it looks smooth, like sour cream.
- Separate a thin layer of this mixture and place on the armpit and leave it for a few minutes.
- After that, wash and repeat every day. It is also a good idea to drink plenty of water, as the body needs it to flush out all those toxins.
The best way to prevent toxic overload here is to simply be more cautious of what products you purchase and what they contain.