Are you trying to get pregnant now? Tracking your ovulation symptoms can be helpful to you, if you haven’t already considered it. There are several reasons that may be the reason behind the delay. Many women find it difficult to conceive due to the lack of detection of ovulation symptoms which is the key time to get pregnant.

Making a baby requires good timing and good attempts, and the fusion of the two can in many cases make you pregnant. Many women chart and track their ovulation cycles , which may be different for different women, and have timely intercourse on days when ovulation is likely to occur.

Ovulation assumes importance as it helps increase the chances of conception as it tends to have an indication of when you are most fertile.

What is ovulation?

Ovulation is defined as the process of releasing one or more eggs from the ovary each month during the menstrual cycle. Each month, several eggs usually develop and mature within the ovary and the one that is most ready is released from your ovary.

Once released, it is picked up by the fallopian tubes and transferred to the uterine cavity, where it meets the sperm and becomes fertilized. Ovulation is not at all a process that alternates between the two ovaries, since you never know which ovary will release the egg.

Ovulation is very important for pregnancy to occur. Regular sex after ovulation is mandatory two days before ovulation and 24 hours after ovulation. This is the most fertile period of pregnancy.

This is because sperm cells can live for two to three days, but your egg is only alive for 24 hours. As soon as the sperm meets the egg, fertilization occurs and you become pregnant. Relationships on time with ovulation are the main factor that will make you pregnant.

10 ovulation symptoms

All other women have different body characteristics while ovulating, however some of the common symptoms of ovulation are listed. They can help you keep a proper record of egg release and help you conceive with timely intimate relationships.

These simple ovulation signs will help you identify your most fertile period , and you can try to get pregnant naturally. Also, ovulation signs and symptoms are easy to track, therefore you can easily schedule your relationships on those days to conceive.

Detect ovulation with cervical mucus

A day or two before ovulation, the cervix begins to secrete more mucus than normal. This increased production continues during the ovulation process. This usually looks like a slippery egg white vaginal discharge, which will be clear and stretchy.

Increased sexual desire

Your desire for your partner will likely increase during ovulation. Both easy arousal and increased desire are noted during the ovulation process

Swelling of the vagina or vulva

The labia become more sensitive when ovulation occurs. Sometimes the vagina becomes a little swollen and tender during this phase.

Abdominal pain

Mild to moderate pain and abdominal pain are also experienced at the time of ovulation. You may experience tenderness in your abdomen for a few hours or a few minutes.

Breast tenderness

Women often experience breast tenderness during ovulation . Heaviness of the chest is also quite common.

Abdominal bloating and water retention

The feeling of bloating is experienced during the ovulation process and water retention is also a frequent feature.

Position of the cervix

On clinical examination of the cervix, it appears smooth, tall, and more open during ovulation. You may also notice that the cervix changes position and is felt when you are ovulating.

Bad mood or increased energy

Another common feature is mood swings or a feeling of excessive energy when the ovaries are felt in and around ovulation.


Some women experience mild (cloth) spots during the ovulation process

Headaches and / or nausea

Due to hormonal changes, some women experience nausea and headaches a few days before ovulation.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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