Many people, faced with certain circumstances that affect them negatively, become immersed in a kind of internal labyrinth . A maze can be caused by a problem originating in the past or in the present in which we have not found the solution so far.
It is possible that it is a fear or some phobia that paralyzes us and that prevents us from the correct development in our daily tasks.
It can also be applied to all those areas of our life that we know we must improve because it affects us in our personal relationships or at the work level. They are aspects such as character or certain behaviors that are negative for the rest.
The labyrinths, as structures, have the peculiarity of confusing us, misleading us and making it difficult for us to have a quick exit . Being in the middle of a maze can cause anxiety, despair, fear, desolation, and panic for some people.
Immersing yourself in an inner labyrinth means that in your psyche you debate in the midst of uncertainties, doubts and ignorance about the actions you must take to avoid the unpleasant sensation that you are experiencing.
When you are in the middle of a problem or situation that you want to solve and you do not find the solution immediately, you tend to go around and turn the same idea inside your head without success, over and over again. This practice sometimes leads the individual to despair and to experience a dire feeling of hopelessness.
Many people in the midst of the desperation of not hitting the right key, make a large number of major mistakes that move them further and further away from the solution or simply choose to stay in the maze and give up the fight .
Your inner labyrinth has its own key
The first thing you should know is that each person builds their own maze. The decision to desist from carrying out the steps that can lead us to bring closure to the situation that afflicts us, of whatever type, is in our hands. Only we have the key that will help us get out of the personal labyrinth.
If the specific case revolves around the way in which you have been experiencing a series of disagreements with different people around you or you are about to lose your partner and that terrifies you, but still you have not mobilized your resources to improve in those areas of yourself that are affecting others, the first suggestion is that you analyze and inquire within yourself in order to identify what are the factors that drive you to act in this way, if you are truly convinced within yourself that It is something that you must improve and the most important thing is to determine if that person you are at risk of losing really matters to you.
After identifying this, if you have convinced yourself and choose to improve, you will have already taken the first step.
The second step is to know that only you have the power to change this situation. The resolution requires your action, commitment and personal work.
It is about your process and therefore only you have the key because the labyrinth is yours . If you intend to get out of there following in the footsteps of other people who in one way or another were successful, you may not have the chance and end up staying there.
Remember that each person is unique and each case is also unique. That practice, advice or therapy that works for some may not have the same impact. That is why borrowed keys are useless.
Do you feel like you’ve done everything and can’t find the way out?
Sometimes, all that is required is an exhaustive analysis that leads you to determine what it was that put you in this situation. What were the actions that you took or stopped executing?
Perhaps the way to find the exit is to return to the same place that you entered the labyrinth.
You decide when you go out:
That situation that intermittently appears in your thoughts, that sometimes causes you insomnia and that no matter how much you think about it, you cannot solve it, it is not bigger than you nor does it exceed your abilities.
The question is to look at it from another perspective, turn it around and start the search for new remedies that you had not tried so far.
Although it is true that it is our own labyrinth and that only we have the key, sometimes external help is required to illuminate the way in some way.
As human beings, we do not always have all the answers, nor can we solve everything ourselves. Sometimes we need the help of third parties to get out of the emotional conflict in which we are immersed.
Asking for help from others is a completely healthy practice that does not make you less, on the contrary, it can contribute a lot to your life.
We can rely on members of our family group, friends or go to a therapist but always keep in mind that these people help guide you but only you, through your actions, can emerge.
Without your action any measure will be completely void. You can even attend the best of therapists but this is a job that depends on you.
You must be convinced that the best thing for you and your life is to overcome this situation that afflicts you and that affects you in many areas of your current life, and maintain the disposition, attitude and motivation to use possible solutions.
Life is built daily and it is up to us to use the time available in a productive way in the construction of the scenarios that we want to live. It does not depend on external factors, although at times they may influence, even in the worst case scenario we will always have the opportunity to choose the attitude with which we will face even the most adverse situations. It all depends on the way in which I am focused on my goals and the objectives that I propose to obtain.