People of any age can have problems with blackheads on the skin, the development of acne and pimples , but more often it tends to be a problem during the teenage years.

Causes of blackheads and pimples

Also known as open comedones , blackheads are small yellow or black bumps that form when a blockage develops at the opening of the hair follicles due to a combination of excess sebum and the accumulation of dirt and dead skin cells. skin. This usually happens more intensely in people with oily skin . Blackheads do not appear dark due to dirt, but rather as a result of oxidation . This occurs when clogged pores are exposed to air. Factors such as hormonal changes in the body, excessive use of cosmetic products, improper skin care, stress and genetics all contribute to this problem. Pimples commonly occur on the face, especially the nose. They can also appear on the chest, back, neck, arms, and shoulders. If left untreated, they can stimulate breakouts.

Treatment for blackheads and pimples

There are many prescription medications for treating blackheads, but you can always try natural treatments. With simple ingredients easy to find in most kitchens, your blackheads can be treated within a few days. To eliminate blackheads and pimples. You will need to:

  • Face towel
  • Hot water (enough to avoid burning)
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Apple Cider Vinegar (or witch hazel -or witch’s broom or witch hazel- or colloidal silver)
  • Coconut oil
  • Cotton


  1. Put a hot towel on your face for about 30 seconds to open your pores.
  2. Next, wash your face with a mixture of tea tree oil and baking soda, rubbing gently in circles to exfoliate your face.
  3. Then let it dry for a minute and rinse the mixture off with lukewarm water.
  4. Dampen a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar, witch hazel (or “witch’s broom” or “witch’s hazelnut”) or colloidal silver (or a mixture of them). If you use VSM (Apple Cider Vinegar) it may be necessary to rinse lightly depending on your skin.
  5. Next, apply coconut oil to your face and rub gently in small circles.

Treatment for blackhead spots and also for wrinkles

There are other treatments to clean the face of blackheads, pimples and even acne spots, and make your skin look clear and bright, softer and younger looking, mitigating wrinkles, such as the treatment below that contains honey that can improve blood flow in the skin. You will need to:

  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon of nutmeg


Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well until you get a paste. People with sensitive skin should dilute or remove the lemon from the ingredients, and should add more honey in order to make the mixture thicker.
Honey has the ability to widen blood vessels. People suffering from telangiectasia, rosacea or any other vascular disease should not use this mask. As a substitute, they should use white or green clay. Use it in the same proportion as the components of this mask. For a finer texture, add a little water and mix well.


This mask should be applied only to the face. Avoid eyes and mouth areas while applying. Let the mask work for 30 minutes or 10 minutes for people with sensitive skin.
The pecking sensation that you will feel will subside in the first 5 minutes and disappear.
Rinse your face with lukewarm water and apply a moisturizer. Do not use the mask for exfoliation, as it can damage your skin.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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