Many people are ignorant of what a state of depression really entails. Despite what many may think it is not simple sadness for an event, it is a real disease, difficult to overcome and very hard for those who suffer from it.
10 false myths about depression
There are many myths about depression, which will help you see life in a totally different way. The subject of depressive disorders has various nuances that are often fused and mixed with other symptoms, however depression is something deeper than sadness and anguish. Discover what are the myths that surround this constantly growing condition.
Depression and sadness are the same
Sadness is a totally normal feeling in all people, it is even necessary for an optimal adaptation to adverse situations to be achieved, however it is temporary and has a reason. The people suffering from depression , are kept in prolonged periods of sadness, and have no security of why it.
People choose to be depressed or not
While it is true that each person decides that attitude facing the various situations that life puts you on the road, the depression is a mental disorder , it is motivated by psychological, social, environmental and biological factors occasions. Therefore, it is much more complex than simply having a bad attitude towards problems.
Having depressive disorders is similar to dementia
The belief that being depressed means suffering from dementia is one of the main obstacles that people who are depressed must go through. Many times they decide not to seek help for fear that those who live with him think that he has much more serious problems, thus making his condition worse. And one of the main signs that depression exists is isolation and loneliness.
Only women can suffer from depression
It is true that more cases are known in which women suffer from depression, however men are also prone to this disorder. Although the risk of suicide attempts due to depression has a very high rate for women, the rate of successful suicides for this same reason has higher numbers with men.
Depression is inherited
The genetic factor plays a minor role within the risks of developing depression , it is only equivalent to a 10 – 15% more probability than a person without a family history. In addition to this, depressive disorder has as its main cause the environment in which the person interacts, and this is independent of the genetic factor, of course.
Depression can be cured with medicine
Medications are very helpful in treating, reducing, or simply managing depression, but they do not cure it. If you really want to improve, you need psychological help to solve problems and treat the root causes of depression.
Drug treatments are for life
Depending on the severity and intensity of the symptoms, as well as how long they last, will be the medical prescriptions. By attending psychotherapies, people with problems of depression learn healthy ways to deal with their emotions, at the same time that they receive the tools to deal with their problems.
Adults are more susceptible to depression than children
Old age is part of the vital process of all living beings, although it is true that upon reaching this stage you can feel sadness and melancholy, the mood should remain normal once these feelings pass. Children have the same chance of having depression as an adult.