It may sound cliché, but life can be an incredibly difficult journey. From our birth to the moment of our death, any number of things can happen. “That’s life,” as they say. We will be filled with better moments; We will face challenges, both internal and external, we will also have the much-needed crises, since they are a “watershed” that take us to another level of maturity. One of those crises is the midlife crisis : an emotional crisis of identity and self-confidence that can occur in the first half of age.

“The midlife crisis sometimes begins in your 40s, when you look at your life and think,” Is this it? “And it ends about 10 years later, when you look at your life again and think,” Actually, this is pretty good. – Donald Richie

In the midlife crisis, times of challenge and uncertainty can be transformative, scary … or even a little of both. Often this time period encompasses a series of emotions, thoughts and / or physical changes, indicating that some kind of transformation is taking place.

10 signs to identify the midlife crisis

This article will address some signs of what a midlife crisis is in order to make it more easily identifiable. But we will also provide some hope, explaining why this period of life can be an overwhelmingly positive experience. We are confident that you will do just that.

Here are 10 potential signs of a midlife crisis:

1. Panic about health problems

It is perfectly natural, as we age, to pay more attention to our health – including any “signs” of potential problems. We are intelligent and logical beings, so we understand that the non-permanence of life is mitigated – at least a little – by being healthy.

Therefore, it is not really a big surprise that a midlife crisis often evokes constant thoughts of health and well-being.

2. Compare yourself with friends and other colleagues

Many people are driven by the perception of success. As a barometer, these same people will be compared – money, clothes, cars, houses, etc. – with that of your friends, colleagues and even family members. Middle age is when most people will “peak” in terms of career, achievement, and other measures of success. When we realize this, comparisons and contrasts with other people are more likely to emerge.

3. Obsession to lose weight / get fit

Strongly wanting to lose weight or get fit is always a good thing, no matter what age. For those experiencing a midlife crisis, this can often come in the form of an epiphany; when an unfortunate sense of regret often grips. We started thinking “What could I have done?” or “How can I be better?”

These questions are common, especially for those who are going through a midlife transition.

4. A greater sense of self-worth

As mentioned earlier, a midlife crisis often involves comparing yourself to other people. We also do this with our own selves, questioning whether or not we fit in with our own expectations. Is our true potential being realized? Where have we failed? Where have we been successful? Is it too late to change?

5. Wanting to quit a job – even if it’s good

Ask just about anyone who has to work for a living, work really wears out. A lucky few have found ways to make an income and enjoy the source of that income. This, however, is the exception rather than the rule. When we’re in our 40’s or 50’s and we hate our job, we start to wonder why we’re putting up with it. Can’t we just enjoy our last years?

6. Bouts of depression (or similar symptoms)

According to mental health experts, depression rarely develops in the middle-aged years . Sadly, some people who experience a midlife crisis experience a loss of identity. This loss – and is perceived as a “loss” in a very serious way – can change the chemistry of the brain. This cumulative series of unfortunate events can result in depression or similar symptoms.

7. You think more about death and the purpose of life

Innately, we know that death is inevitable, even if some of us choose to ignore the fact. The truth is, as we get older, we get closer to death. The term “middle age” implies that we have reached what is likely to be the halfway point of our lives. It is not so surprising that those who experience a midlife crisis are more likely to contemplate death and / or the purpose of life.

8. Buy luxury items on impulse

This happens, and it happens more than you might think. Research shows that at least a third of men ages 40 to 59 buy some kind of luxury item, most commonly – an expensive car. Women also participate in this behavior, many opt for plastic surgery, botox or some other cosmetic alteration.

9. Unexpected changes in behavior

One of the most obvious indications of a mid-life crisis is erratic behavior. A club of person jumping at 45 can probably expect to raise a few eyebrows. Someone who is 50 tripping in the office who forgets alcohol can probably expect the same. The truth is that this type of behavior stems from the belief that one does not have much more to lose.

10. Someone says to you, “You’re having a midlife crisis!”

This rarely happens. But sometimes a stranger’s perspective is exactly what someone experiencing a crisis of this magnitude needs, and it can be very important. People who struggle with the crisis often feel hurt, lost and looking for answers. They desperately want to know what is going on. Sometimes all it takes is someone to make an honest and accurate assessment.

Living the moment

The good news is that even someone experiencing such a crisis can find comfort, shelter, and even enlightenment.

A midlife crisis is an attempt to revive life in a period of transition. Nothing more and nothing less. And it can be done, regardless of the circumstance. We don’t have to experience or carry out the negative thoughts, emotions, and actions that seem to derail so many. It can be done in a way that is positive and enlightens the soul.

After all, the soul is not defined by “success” – it cannot be encapsulated in such a way. The soul is not defined by appearance or possessions. So remember to cultivate and cherish the moments in life. By doing so, we evolve for the better.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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