There are people who dedicate their lives to criticizing others. They do not have a life of their own to manage, their only task is to live through someone else and judge each of their decisions, make value judgments and try to affect them in one way or another.
These criticisms, although the person realizes that they are with a double meaning, sooner or later end up affecting self-esteem, because you begin to reconsider if everyone sees you the same way.
Criticisms usually come from people with empty lives
You can try to ignore these people, but always, one way or another, they will break through the barrier and make you angry. You can try to make them understand that what they are doing is wrong, but generally the best option is to walk away, let them consume themselves in their self-destructive network, for the emotional health of oneself.
A problem of envy
The only assessment that matters is yours, and as long as you are comfortable with your life, there is no reason to listen or ask someone else for an opinion. Many times envy makes these people instead of encouraging or congratulating, they simply dedicate themselves to destroying everything that others do.
It only matters what you see
The judgments and criticisms of others can make you reconsider if what you are projecting to others is what they tell you, but that does not matter, because the way they see you is their reality, not yours. The only thing that matters is how you see yourself and in any case, these criticisms can help you strengthen who you are as a person.
“Do not expect others to understand your journey, especially if they have never had to travel your way”
Nobody who has not been in your shoes can know what you have lived and the reason for the decisions you make. One thing is how they see you from the outside, and another is what you really have to live and make yourself who you are.
This is why when someone begins to criticize your life, the first thing you have to think is that nobody is perfect, and therefore, nobody can tell you how you should or should not lead your own life.
Surround yourself with the good
We are the ones who give validity to the words, so if you apply the three filters of psychology to those words, you will be able to let go of everything that hurts us and keep only the good. “If it is not true, neither good nor necessary, let us bury it in oblivion”, this is the rule that must be applied or all comments that are doubtful. Do not live to give satisfaction to others, live only for yourself and that way you will be happy.
Stay away from all those people whose sole purpose is to speak ill of all your actions, and surround yourself with those who really bring good values to your life. Get rid of all those words and people who only seek to destroy you as a person and make way for all those who really support and help you.
We must always make sure that the people who approach us are completely sincere, that they support you without trying to sink you in the process. Unhappy people are those who care about what others think, so live your life away from bad intention and always seek only your own approval.