Do you remember where the keys to your apartment are? And where did you put the comb in the morning? What color were the salesgirl’s hair? We often forget about those little things. Who does not happen to, you say. But even a small forgetfulness is already a sign that a memory problem shines in the near future . However, here you could learn how to correct poor memory caused by stress  before damage enters your life.

Causes of poor memory

Memory is a thought process in which functions such as memorization, storage and reproduction enter. Forgetting is a function of the brain, which is designed to ease the nervous system and protect it from surges. More often than we think, our brains tend to rid us of negative information and negative emotions. Therefore, we often forget to do those things that we do not like.

When you feel like your memory is failing in the first place, it is worth understanding in which area you become forgetful. Memory functions can be divided into several types:

  • Direct : When forgetting happens instantly. For example, they wrote a letter and then forgot about it.
  • Short-term : When information is stored for up to 30 seconds.
  • Long-term : When the information remembered can be stored in the mind for years.
  • Variable : When the necessary fact is stored as much as we need it, and then we forget it. For example, a list of questions for the exam.

When a person feels that problems with his memory, he is not referring to senile diseases. Nor to loss of memory function resulting from a concussion and other serious injuries. A sudden forgetfulness is not a disease, but a failure of certain brain functions, for which there are a number of reasons:

  • Depression, stress, or anxiety.
  • Alcohol, some sedatives and antidepressants.
  • Smoking can also be the reason why a person has a poor memory .
  • Lack of vitamins and amino acids in the body.
  • Chronic fatigue and lack of sleep.

How to fix bad memory

The good news is that you can fight your forgetfulness in many ways. If your memory problem is not a consequence of a serious injury or illness, the following tips will help you get rid of the problem:

  • Be attentive . Try to focus on whatever business you do. If you remember the important task, try to do it immediately. Information from the world around you will help you learn to remember more. For example, when you park a car, you look back and tell yourself that your car is in front of the entrance with a sign like this, and next to two trees. Therefore, you use several memory channels at the same time, which will help you to reproduce the information better.
  • Don’t get distracted . If you are looking for something, go into the room, say something like “I’m going to get the keys” and look for the keys, without being distracted by other people’s things or the television.
  • Try to create logical chains and associative rows . Let’s say you need to remember Calle de San Miguel 10. Imagine someone familiar with that name, calling at 10 am. The same applies to new names. Suppose you can’t remember the boss’s name, then think about the possible associations. You will see that each time, when you are in front of this person, the remembered image will be reproduced in your mind.
  • If the bad memory is the result of a lack of vitamins, what should I do in this case? Scientists conducted a series of studies, during which it became known that the deficiency of substances such as iron, boron and zinc leads to a weakening of memory function. In order for the body to have these elements in sufficient quantities, you must eat meat, fruits and vegetables, several times a week.

Often the main cause of forgetting is the wrong way of life. The use of harmful foods and alcohol, constant rush, stress, chronic fatigue – all this leads to improper functioning of the brain. Correct all the shortcomings of your daily life, it will give you a healthy image, and then even in old age you will not be afraid of any diseases.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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