Training fasting or not, it is a doubt that even professional trainers do not know how to respond very well, however, there are certain activities within training that are not recommended if we want to avoid putting our physical health at risk. Read on to find out what they are and what professional coaches think.

Although there is no ideal time to perform exercises , since at all times, if performed correctly and with the appropriate intensity, they fulfill their function, many people choose to perform their exercise routine in the morning and on an empty stomach , very early, perhaps before working or fulfilling the occupations of the daily shift.

A subject of debate for athletes, coaches and health professionals, is the question: Is it advisable to train on an empty stomach? And there are various factors and details to consider before answering the question, but what is certain is that the answer “yes” varies for all cases and is a very personalized topic.

Is it advisable to train on an empty stomach?

The factors that must be taken into account will be broken down below, with the intention that each one can answer question by question, taking into account our personal case and thus find the answer to the main question of deciding whether to train on an empty stomach or not. .

Exercise type:

High-impact and resistance exercises that require higher energy consumption should NOT be performed on an empty stomach, especially if the activity will last for a long time. This type of exercise includes soccer, swimming, running or jogging long distances, weight lifting and any activity that takes more than 30 minutes and ends up being exhausting for those who practice it.

Physical activity time:

Even if it is swimming or soccer, if it is only practiced for a few minutes and with a low intensity level, it CAN be done on an empty stomach, since it does not affect the safety of the person.

Exercise intensity:

Currently, the practice of HIIT ( High Intensity Interval Training ) or high intensity interval training is very fashionable , which is basically a discipline composed of various exercises that is practiced at its maximum intensity in short periods of time, and They are really very demanding and the person who practices them feels that they faint, especially when they are new to the activity.

The purpose of this practice is to develop and increase physical endurance, accelerate metabolism and generate that the person who practices it loses most of the fat that has accumulated in the body and therefore manages to reduce their weight and obtain a much more stylized physical figure .

So in this case, even when this activity does not take more than 20 minutes, it is really intense and demanding so consuming food before doing it is imperative.

What to eat before and after exercise

The rules have their exceptions, and in the event that even if you do a low intensity exercise and want to consume some food, you should know that there are certain foods that should be consumed before and after exercise, and that is because they offer various nutrients that end for promoting the results of your physical activity.

It depends on the time what to eat

This will depend on what time in the morning you choose to carry out physical activity and also on how far away the place where you do the activity is, this last aspect is due to the fact that the proper digestion process must be taken into account.

  1. First thing in the morning : The ideal is a protein, vegetable and nutrient shakes. Since this facilitates digestion, it does not leave the feeling of fullness, but it is enough to provide the requirements you need to train.
  2. Mid-morning : At this time it is preferable to have a more solid and complete breakfast, this in terms of nutrients, but not too big. Toast, egg whites, orange juice is a delicious and healthy option.
  3. Afternoon : The body must have its food at the stipulated time to avoid subsequent hunger attacks that ruin the entire diet process. It is advisable to take into account that you consume breakfast and lunch. After exercise, have a smoothie or a banana to recharge your batteries and wait until dinner.
  4. Night : Intense exercise at night could cause inconveniences when sleeping, but it is ideal to consume dinner beforehand and then finish with a snack or aperitif so that when sleeping you do not generate any type of discomfort.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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