Dreams have puzzled humans since the beginning of time. We have tried to study, analyze and interpret them, and find out what causes them, why we have them, and what they might mean for our lives. While some only accept dreams and nightmares as part of life, many others believe that dreams, and more specifically lucid dreams , can help improve a variety of aspects of our lives.
What is a lucid dream
A lucid dream is one in which the dreamer is aware that he is dreaming , and has more control over his thoughts, actions and what happens in the dream. Lucid dreamers have the ability to make decisions in their dreams and can wake up if they turn into an unwanted nightmare. Have you ever had a dream in which you were able to say, “I know this is not reality, it does not happen in reality, and I have control over this situation” and forced yourself to wake up if the dream took a worse turn? Then you had a lucid dream.
Why do people want lucid dreams
There is evidence that people have tried to induce lucid dreams since before the modern era, with hieroglyphs depicting lucid dreams, among other ancient artifacts that reference them.
Spiritual understanding
Tibetan Buddhist monks have been using lucid dreaming to achieve enlightenment for thousands of years. By maintaining conscious awareness while dreaming, you are able to complete a number of tasks, allowing you to move to a new level of spiritual understanding.
Athletic performance
Studies have shown that practicing certain physical skills in a dream can help you perform better in competition. The idea is that you can increase your “muscle memory” by practicing a skill, you will wake up with a better capacity.
Solve problems
When creative problems are posed before bed, lucid dreamers often solve them literally in their sleep.
Reduce the frequency of the nightmare
Lucid dreaming appears to be effective in reducing the frequency of nightmares, a beacon of hope for those suffering from PTSD.
Freedom and escape
In lucid dreams, people are able to do things they never thought possible and build their own reality. Dreamers have the opportunity to meet their idol, fly over the Grand Canyon, or win the 100 meters at the Olympics. Some have also used lucid dreaming as a way to grieve and seek closure after the loss of a loved one.
Create awareness
The ability to maintain awareness throughout our day and live “in the moment”, without making judgments or forming harsh opinions, is something many of us struggle with. Achieving mindfulness allows us to be more open and accept other people’s mistakes, as well as our own. It allows us to be less distracted by our stressful and busy lives, and to appreciate what is happening in the present moment. Mindfulness is associated with improved well-being and positive self-talk.
How to induce lucid dreams
Herbal supplements for lucid dreams
A quick search on the internet will provide you with a great list of herbs and supplements to help induce lucid dreams. The problem is, most of these have no scientific evidence of efficacy, and some have even been shown to be dangerous to your health. Here are some natural substances that have been shown to be safe and can help in combination with mindfulness and meditation exercises.
- Sagebrush
- Silene Capsensis
- Galantamina + Colina
- 5-HTP
- Valerian Root
There are also many products you can buy that combine these ingredients in specific amounts to help induce lucid dreams.
Meditation is the most practiced and safest way to induce lucid dreams . It is used to calm the mind and dissociate the consciousness of the outside world with your physical body. This heightened state of consciousness will allow you to consciously fall asleep and have lucid dreams.
3 Exercises to induce lucid dreams
Visualize dream themes
Our dreams are often based on our experiences and thoughts from the day that they dominated. To induce a lucid dream, visualize what you would like to dream of (for example, winning an Oscar or canoeing with your dad), while at the same time thinking “I’m going to have a lucid dream tonight.” Then you will dream about what you made in your mind before going to bed, but you will be better able to recognize that it is not reality.
Breathing meditation
Performing breath meditation will help you become more self-aware throughout your day, forcing you to relax and focus on the simple behavior of inhaling and exhaling. This clarity of mind will help you to be better able to separate the world of dreams from the real world. Follow these steps to meditate with your breath:
- Sit with your spine straight and your chest open. You can sit on the floor, on cushions, or a bench, as long as you feel comfortable and tall.
- Close your eyes. Slowly raise your hand in front of you for five counts as you inhale. Without pausing, lower your hand for five counts as you exhale. Repeat this, focusing only on your hand and breath.
- Focus on the breath going in and out of your lungs. Pay close attention to how you feel. If your mind wanders, refocus.
- If your hand gets tired, switch hands, or just rest your hands and focus on your breath. When you’re ready, shift your focus to how your breathing feels in different parts of your body.
- Make sure you stay fully engaged in meditation, refocusing whenever your mind wanders or if you start to feel bored. This takes practice and will improve over time.
Do this on a daily basis, and your self-awareness will increase, allowing you to become spontaneously lucid in your dreams.
Guided Meditation
Guided meditation involves dream creation, or inner visualization, and it can help you enter a lucid dream on purpose. The key to guided meditation is time – if you are in a hurry it will not work. Follow these steps for a guided meditation:
- Find a place that is quiet, comfortable, and free from distractions. Lie on your back.
- Take slow, deep breaths, paying close attention to the tension your body leaves behind. Allow thoughts to run through your mind without dwelling on them. Silence your inner talk and completely relax your body. From here, you can focus on visualization.
- Natural adjustments are generally the most effective in inducing lucid dreaming from meditation. Settings such as a beach, or a forest with a stream work well. Explore that environment in your mind, working out small details and a bigger picture.
- As you visualize and explore the area you created, your body may fall asleep. This is known as induced lucid dreaming.
- Once in the dream, focus on the details of the five senses: the play of shadows of the sunlight in the forest, the trickle of the stream, the smell of the leaves under your feet, and even focus on how you feel. you feel when you move in your environment. You are now in a lucid dream and are in control of how you react to your manufactured environment.
Lucid dreaming can be a beneficial way to train your brain , body, and heart to perform and respond in real-world settings. It can help you overcome fears, practice tasks, and find closure from a difficult situation. Lucid dreaming can also help you be more open-minded and accept other people’s mistakes, as well as your own.
It is important to remember that lucid dreaming should only be used to improve your life and the lives of those around you. Many of the supplements sold to help you induce lucid dreams are not regulated, studied, and can be harmful, especially in high doses. Always talk to your doctor or naturopath, before using something new.