Exercise will give you the results you expect only when they fit the shape of each body type, that is, when exercise is focused on working those parts where the female body tends to accumulate more fat . In this article, you’ll look at four of the top common body types, and once you determine which part of your body needs the most attention, be sure to choose the right exercises.

Pear-shaped body

If your body shape resembles a pear, you are one of the beauties in the same group as Jennifer Lopez, Alisha Keys, and Jennifer Love Hewitt. The upper part of your body is thinner than the lower part.

In pear-shaped bodies, the hips and thighs are the central part, so these women should focus on exercises that involve these parts . But, they should also do some upper-body exercises, including activities that involve the arms and shoulders. This is important, as the top needs as much attention as the bottom.

Consider walking, running, and biking to your daily workout. Exercise for 45 minutes a day, 5 times a week, or if it is a long time for you, start doing 15 minutes and work your way up, but do it every day. These physical activities will not put excess pressure on your knees,  ankles, and hips.

For sagging arms and shoulders, begin exercising with a little light weight, gradually increasing the weight.
You can also try how to decrease leg fat with exercises and also exercises to reduce fat in the hips and waist.

Rectangle shape

You are in the group of beauties like Cameron Díaz and Gwyneth Paltrow. You can practically use anything you want, although it lacks a bit of a curve but it should not be a problem since if you want it, there are solutions. In this body the bust and shoulders are the same width as the hip and waist line.

When gaining weight, this type of body has to fight with abdominal fat . This will accentuate your weight in the long run. Training should include exercises that contract the stomach muscles and burn fat deposits in this area. If that’s your current problem:
Try a 10 minute abs workout routine to get a flat stomach.

Do exercises that increase the muscle weight of the glutes . Squats and stair climbing are perfect for this body type. Remember to always activate the other parts of your body as well, and walking, biking, walking uphill, and running are great options.

Body type “hourglass”

This is a more balanced body shape in terms of proportions, although not more beautiful than the others. Women with the “hourglass” body type have tiny waists and proportional size of the shoulders and hips . Beyonce, Scarlett Johansson, and Halle Berry are just a few of the beauties in this group.

The weight distributed evenly in these women. They have to do some tightening exercises, otherwise they tend to contract excess fat on their thighs and arms.

Cardio and toning exercises are perfect for women with this body shape . Zumba, swimming, and biking are the best options. If you want to tone your body and build some muscle mass, strengthen your upper back.

Apple-shaped body

Catherine Zeta Jones is a beauty that falls into the apple body type. If you are also in this group of apple-bodied women, the best way to lose weight around your waist is to simply exercise your entire body . Before we go into more detail on how this can be done, let’s take a closer look at the definition of an apple-shaped woman:

Women with this body type carry most of their weight above the waist , in the middle of their bodies. They can have beautiful slim legs but less defined belly. If you think you fall into this category and want to do something about it, then follow these exercise routines:


While you’re doing “aerobics” your whole body burns fat, and it tends to come out of the waist area first. Therefore, things like cycling, running, or aerobic routines, will be great to get rid of that apple body. 

Strength training

Strength training will help you to be more toned and you can work on certain parts of your body, do you want a better waist line? Sit-ups, push-ups, and squats are great for that. Still, a total body approach to training is recommended.

Total body training

This training makes the whole body receive a total workout. By exercising in two or three parts of the body at the same time, the burning of calories and the loss of fat are accelerated incredibly. It is the best way to ensure that you are getting “fit” by working on every part of your body.

Athletic body type

Jessica Biel has this body shape. It is characterized by narrow hips and broad shoulders.

These women should focus on toning the stomach muscles and shaping the thighs and glutes . But, due to the strong immune system these women can build muscle and burn fat deposits easier and faster.

Do exercises that do not require a lot of force and repeating, such as biking, running, and other similar exercises.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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