We know that the asthma is a chronic disease of the airways characterized by recurrent episodes of breathlessness and wheeze (sound is heard at the bronchial level, after a state of intermittent inflammation generating hypersensitivity and increased secretion level of bronchial tubes, usually manifested by episodes of bronchospasm or asthma attacks.

The asthma usually analyzed from a multifactorial view, showing that there is a significant genetic component and other allergic component, which play a role together. Contact with external substances called allergens triggers an inflammatory response at the bronchial level, which leads to increased secretions and congestion in the airway known as an asthma episode .

Some of these allergens are mites, animals with fur, contact with insects, pollen from flowers, strong odors, humid and cold climates typical of countries with especially autumn and winter seasons, environmental pollution, damp walls. and mold and dust on carpets, among others.

Autumn and its climate

In autumn, the temperature begins to drop and the leaves of the trees change their color from green to yellowish to ocher tones, until they dry and fall, being pushed by the wind that increases in this period of time. Consequently, the energy that was previously concentrated in the leaves is channeled towards the roots to remain vital in the subsequent cold months.

Asthma prevention

Autumn is a season that is also characterized by the increase in humidity levels and this leads to the generation of mold and the presence of mites in confined spaces, all of these risk factors being ideal for presenting new episodes of asthma , with an increase in severity in many cases.

1. Continue the indicated treatment

Before autumn arrives, one of the main factors to take into account in relation to prevention is to maintain the treatment that has been indicated by the treating physician in order to avoid relapses and complications.

For this reason, it is important not to forget in the summer to continue with the scheduled treatment, regardless of the absence of new episodes of asthma attacks , since the consequences can be paid when autumn arrives. Consistency in asthma management is key to a favorable outcome.

2. Avoid allergens

Another vital aspect to take into account is to avoid all kinds of allergens that can initiate an attack or enhance it (perfume, dust, animals such as cats, dogs, etc.). Due to the cold, the use of wool clothing, the use of stuffed animals and materials that can give off dust and particles is frequent, so it is suggested to wear simple clothing and substitute thick fabrics.

Another common practice is to introduce pets to the home to avoid the cold in the patios, so it is advisable to avoid frequent contact with animals and keep it away from beds and furniture. It is also recommended to constantly clean the home with devices that do not raise dust such as damp fabrics or the vacuum cleaner.

3. Be prepared

It is also very important to know yourself and know how to specify when an asthma episode may appear and have not only the treatment at hand, but also be trained to handle asthma attacks without panicking, since it worsens the situation. Performing regular breathing exercises is one way to improve your ability to respond to an attack.

Knowing how to handle the inhaler and not forgetting it in any of your daily activities is a measure that can prevent a respiratory event from progressing that could be prevented in time with the use of the inhaler. Not self-medicating and not abandoning treatment are recommendations that will make you a better patient capable of keeping symptoms at bay.

4. Vaccination

It is recommended that asthmatic patients have their complete vaccination schedule, especially that they be vaccinated against seasonal flu annually. This will prevent viral infections that can trigger asthma attacks at any time of the year, even in autumn.

5. Quitting the cigarette

If you are one of those people who likes to smoke being asthmatic or you frequent people or places where you inhale cigarette smoke, it is essential that you stay away from this practice.

6. Exercise

With regard to outdoor activities that are usually popular in autumn, remember that sport can be done if there is no direct contraindication from your doctor and if you do it after adequate warming up, according to your abilities, do it without exceeding the limits of your physical preparation because it can be the trigger for an asthmatic attack that takes you by surprise. Therefore, it is recommended at this time to exercise in closed spaces free of humidity.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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