Keep your breasts firm and in place by following these practical tips that you can start today to get results sooner. Although the tendency is for the skin to lose tone and in the bust area it occurs more frequently, you can restore firmness to the chest with perseverance and good habits that we will tell you about below.
Causes of loss of firmness in the bust
Age, sudden changes in weight, poor posture, lack of exercise and many other factors influence the appearance of the breasts . Although we always dream of having them in their place, it will not always be the case because there are actions that we usually incur on a daily basis, which reduce the elasticity and firmness of the chest, causing them to sag or lose their natural shape.
How to keep your breasts firm
Breast surgeries are, without a doubt, the most widespread technique today to restore the appearance of the bust or increase its size, but they are not infallible techniques, they can be harmful and not all have the physical or economic conditions to undergo them, So the best thing is that you leave laziness aside, and follow some of these recommendations that, operated or not, will be of great help to keep your breasts in shape .
Cover them with clay
You have probably heard that clay removes blackheads and it really does, but its benefits go much further. A mask based on this product helps to tone and firm the bust . Its preparation is simple. You just have to mix 100 of clay with an egg white and place with gentle circular movements throughout the bust area. After about 10 minutes, rinse with plenty of warm water. Apply two or three times a week and you will notice the difference.
Ice helps maintain breast firmness
If you didn’t worry about keeping ice in the fridge before, now you want to do it. This procedure is much simpler. Place the cubes in a plastic bag, arrange them on the breasts and rub them in circular motions . Do it for a minute so that there is no numbness (it is very important that the ice does not have direct contact with the skin of the breast). Afterwards, pat dry with a towel, and lie down for 30 minutes. With the use of ice you can give firmness to the bust .
Don’t forget the creams
Use firming creams every day and at night, take some time to give yourself a gentle massage. To do this, you must place one hand behind the head and with the other spread the cream, preferably based on collagen . You should do it with upward movements from the inside out for a minute. Then repeat the action with the other breast. It is important that you do it three or four times a week so that you can see the results.
Exercise helps firm the chest
The butterfly swim is an excellent exercise to tone the breasts and they are special to avoid the sagging of the breasts , other complementary swimming exercises can also help. It is vital that you maintain an upright posture, wear a good bra, learn how to choose the right bra , avoid the sun, stop smoking, and drink lots of water. Remember that the years always leave consequences, but you can always do something to delay its effects. Try the best exercises to firm your breasts .
Another advice is that you try to maintain a stable weight, since sudden changes in weight cause flaccidity . Incorporate foods that contain calcium, vitamins, essential fats, and minerals into your diet. With all this you will be able to have firm breasts for longer .
Firming remedies for sagging breasts
Lemon and rum
Mix ½ cup of rum (125 ml) and the juice of 1 lemon and let it steep overnight. The next day, place it on the breasts and leave it to act for 10 minutes. Remove with cold water.
Using petroleum jelly
Stir 40 grams of petroleum jelly, 20 drops of lavender essence, and 1 gram of holy thistle extract. The paste that you will obtain must be applied from the bottom up with gentle movements. Don’t worry about rinsing as it is not necessary.