Let’s know the causes of bad memory

Discover how to identify the causes of poor memory or memory loss, and start treating it or start avoiding certain bad habits that may be causing these poor memory and concentration problems .

Elevated blood glucose

Poor memory can have this cause. Volunteer MRI studies indicate that high blood glucose can damage memory-related areas of the brain.
If you have a family history of hyperglycemia or diabetes, check your glucose level regularly. Eat right and exercise; brisk walks help prevent diabetes.

Tiredness or poor sleep

The brain appears to depend on sleep to fix new memories. And you don’t have to stay up all night to notice the effects. In one study, volunteers who slept six hours a night for two weeks did not feel exhausted, but their results on short-term memory tests worsened substantially.
Don’t deprive yourself of sleep. Do you lack time to sleep well? According to one study, even six-minute micro-naps are enough to improve short-term memory and will give you the ability to avoid poor memory problems.


They can be a sign of apnea, a momentary airway obstruction that deprives neurons of oxygen. Apnea is more common in men and can be a trigger for poor memory. Other risk factors: being overweight and being over 40 years old.
If you snore a lot and feel tired all day, ask your doctor for an apnea test. If you have it, he may prescribe a device that blows air through your nose while you sleep to avoid dangerous oxygen interruptions.

Anxiety or apathy can cause poor memory

You may have a thyroid disorder . The hormones in this gland regulate metabolism , but their scarcity or excess can affect communication between neurons and cause poor memory. An overactive thyroid hinders the transmission of brain messages, and if it is very slow, they almost stop. Describe your symptoms to the doctor. An underactive thyroid can cause you fatigue; if it is hyperactive, it may make your pulse race and cause anxiety.

Be over 65 years old

As we age, we absorb less vitamin B12 from food, and the effects of a severe deficiency closely resemble those of Alzheimer’s. Up to 20 percent of people over 65 are deficient in this vitamin.
If you are over 65 years old and your memory fails, consult your doctor. If you are deficient in vitamin B12, he may prescribe a supplement. Also go if you are a strict vegetarian, as it is very likely that you do not ingest this vitamin in the necessary amount.


People with severe depression lose neurons, and the longer the depression lasts, the more cells are lost in areas of the brain on which memory depends.
Prompt treatment is important to avoid poor memory problems . A 2008 study found that those with longer depressive episodes are less likely to experience memory improvement when their depression dissipates.

Take Anticholinergic

Many medications for insomnia , urinary incontinence, allergies, and gastrointestinal cramps inhibit a certain essential neurotransmitter. In older adults, these drugs, called anticholinergics, can cause mental confusion and memory loss.
People over 65 are more vulnerable to the side effects of diphenhydramine, an anticholinergic used in many sleeping pills and antiallergics. If you suffer from mental confusion when taking these drugs or any other, inform your doctor.

Shuffling when walking

It can be a sign of normal pressure hydrocephalus or chronic adult hydrocephalus, where excess cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in small cavities of the brain. Shuffling, urinary incontinence, and memory lapses are typical symptoms of PNH, but not everyone has all three. Prompt treatment can help you regain your memory .

Excessive drug use

If you have to take five or more at a time, you are at risk of interactions. Protect yourself: Inform your doctor about all the drugs you are taking. If you see an ad for one that might be helpful, talk to your doctor about it, but don’t pressure him to prescribe it.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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