One aspect that differentiates human beings from other species in the animal kingdom is the emotional part. It is a natural and undeniable condition, whether we like it or not, we continuously experience emotions that are present in our lives and often determine behaviors and behaviors.
However, despite the fact that these tend to accompany us every day, there are many occasions in which we fight to avoid or hide them for fear that the inability to control them will lead us to make mistakes or mistakes that may cause harm to other people.
How to download emotions without affecting others or yourself
There are various factors by which many people decide to downplay emotions and give a greater degree of relevance to rationality. The elements that come into play can be of a cultural nature, for example. It is very likely that we have a very strong belief that emotions are not productive at all or add anything positive to life.
Another aspect to take into consideration comes from the socialization stage during which, in some cases, children are often required to hide their feelings. Perhaps you can learn that the emotional part is shameful.
Accept our emotions
It is important to accommodate the emotional part because only then can we handle and discharge them without harming other people. In addition, the poorly managed emotional component can lead to illness because to the extent that you obviate them, your body will feel the tension.
Starting from the basis that it is not possible to exercise control over the unknown, the first step is to accept what is being felt or experienced and evaluate the way in which it is influencing us at an organic level.
Make emotion your ally
It is not a matter of accepting them and admitting in a concise way that yes, that they are there and they integrate my being. It is learning to live with them, explore them and check with myself how they affect me and condition my behavior.
The ideal is to let ourselves flow with them and accept the state as well as the way they make us feel. The established goal, therefore, revolves around controlling our emotional part.
However, it is not advisable to exert a control by way of coercion since this would generate unnecessary tension and a continuous fight. Control should be exercised from the point of view of integration, recognition and identification of emotion as part of our life.
They definitely appear naturally, without warning, but you will always have the opportunity to choose how you will react in the presence of certain stimuli.
Work on emotions
The change in perspective that appears after accommodating our emotional part contributes to enriching our psychological tools and opens the way to emotional intelligence.
It does not imply that you will have total control over the way you feel at all times, that would be utopian, the change comes from managing your own behavior. This will allow you to be productive throughout your workday even when sadness invades you because you will have the ability to postpone it in a mature way in relation to the context in which you are developing.
This self-control, so to speak, will be provided by the personal work that you undertake with your emotional part.
How to work the emotional part ?:
There are various methods that can help you work on your emotions and you can always choose between individual work or seeking outside help. It is perfect that you consider going to a therapist if you consider it necessary.
To connect with your feelings, you can acquire a notebook in which you describe daily or whenever you need it: How do you feel on a psychological and organic level? What emotion are you experiencing? To what do you attribute it to have been present in your life? Or, if you prefer, you can draw them, give them the shape they represent for you and even assign a color to them.
It is recommended that you analyze with yourself the nature that you attribute to this emotion, whether positive or negative, and why. Allow yourself to live with these feelings and see how they influence your behavior.
You can also go to exercise, which is doubly beneficial in this case, since it will help you reduce any accumulated emotions and contribute to your well-being. We can choose and it is quite healthy to get away from the conflict situation if we feel that it can get out of control and we do not have the tools at that moment to respond in the best way.
Emotions such as anger can be experienced with such intensity that they can lead you to make irreparable mistakes with the people around us and negatively affect the image or the links that we have established with others.
That is why, before starting a conversation that aims to resolve a conflict, check with yourself if at that moment you meet the necessary mental conditions to reach agreements that benefit all the parties involved.
Know yourself:
This sounds easy but it is not entirely true because sometimes we get used to hiding feelings such as pain, even from ourselves. It is not at all reprehensible to feel sadness for a love relationship that ended or to feel anger because our work performance was not recognized, for example. This is part of life and are human emotions.
The important thing is to accept ourselves as we are, strengthen ourselves on a psychological level and develop the ability to use emotional intelligence in our lives and transform our emotional explosions into conversations and agreements in which assertiveness and respect for others are used as a flag.
A person with self-control will manage the skill to express an opinion about what they did not like, demand their rights or fix their position without offending or disrespecting others. To achieve this management it is necessary to work in full knowledge of ourselves.