Eye infections can affect any part of the eye including the inner or outer eyelid or the eyeball. The eye infections can be caused by bacterial, viral or fungal infections, and any foreign body that is inserted into the eye can cause severe irritation. Very often, people who wear contact lenses are more prone to eye infections. Common symptoms of an eye infection are redness around your eyelids, discharge, itchy or itchy eyes, watery eyes, and swelling around the eyes.

The eye is a very complex and sensitive organ, therefore, if you notice signs of a serious infection in your eye, you should consult an ophthalmologist. Not getting immediate treatment for an eye infection can lead to permanent eye damage and possible vision loss.

There are many home remedies for eye infections, which can be used for mild infections or to complement conventional treatment for severe eye infections. For example, a hot compress with chamomile can help reduce eye puffiness and is effective against pink eyes. Even a simple saline eye wash can help reduce eye infections, soothe irritation, and speed healing time.

Different types of eye infections

Before looking at the best home remedies for treating an infected eye , it is important to know a little more about the different types of eye infections.

Eye infections can affect one or both eyes at the same time. Depending on the cause of the eye infection, you may have one of these eye infections:

Conjunctivitis or pink eye

This is a common viral or bacterial infection that affects the inside of the eyelid or the outer layer of the eye. Pink eyes are itchy, inflamed, discharge, and red and can be very contagious.


It is a bacterial eye infection that can cause pain, vision problems, and watery eyes. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology , keratitis can also cause discharge and requires prompt medical treatment.


Shingles can affect the eye, as well as make the skin and nerves tender to the touch. The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) says that the herpes zoster virus can infect the skin around the eye and even the eye itself. This will make your eye very painful, inflamed, and cause redness on the eyelid. If you have herpes around the eye, you should see a doctor immediately.


Blepharitis makes the eyelids swollen and also makes the skin around the eye dry. The eyes will likely feel itchy and puffy. Some home remedies are effective in treating blepharitis infections.

Orbital cellulite

A bacterial infection in the tissue around the eyes can cause orbital cellulitis . The upper and lower eyelids become swollen and inflamed and are often accompanied by fever, pain when moving the eye, and decreased vision. If left untreated, it can lead to blindness. Immediate medical attention for this type of eye infection is essential.

Eye stye

A stye is another common type of eye infection. An eye stye causes a red bump to appear on the eyelid. The stye appears due to bacteria blocking the oil gland in the eyelid. The lump may fill with pus and become red and swollen. A stye should go away on its own within a few days.


Dacryocystitis is an infection of the lacrimal sac when it becomes blocked. The eye infection can inflame the area in the corner of your eye near your nose. This will likely be painful and you may have discharge from the corner of your eye.


The same herpes virus that causes cold sores can also cause eye infections. Very often the infection spreads to the eye after touching a cold sore on the face. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection in the eye can cause pain, redness, problems with vision, discharge, and sensitivity to light.

Common symptoms of eye infections

A viral, bacterial, or fungal infection in or around your eye will cause a number of symptoms that range from mild to severe. Mild eye infections can be treated effectively using home remedies to reduce inflammation and help the eye heal properly.

Some symptoms of eye infections that can be treated at home are:

  • A sensation of something in the eye.
  • Redness around the eye or eyelids.
  • A small amount of discharge.
  • Crying eyes.

However, if you have other symptoms such as eye pain, increased sensitivity to light, fever, impaired vision, and discharge, you should always be evaluated by a doctor.

Common causes of eye infections

There are a number of reasons why the eyes become infected and cause redness, swelling, and discharge. For example, irritation from a minor injury (such as a scratch) or a chemical that gets into the eye can lead to germs causing an eye infection.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology says that people who wear contact lenses are more likely to have eye infections.

Additionally, touching the eyes with dirty hands can spread germs and viruses to the eyes that can cause infections of the eyelids, eyeball, and tear sacs.

Home remedies for eye infections

Effective treatment for infections in and around the eye requires getting rid of the germs causing the infection and calming any inflammation. It is also important to always wash your hands before applying any remedy to the eye. This will help prevent any further infection from spreading to your eye.

Hot compress

A warm compress can treat an eye infection such as an eye stye or pink eye and help clear the infection faster. The heat from the compress helps increase blood flow to the infected eye which can speed up the healing process.

  1. Soak a clean, lint-free cloth in warm water and squeeze out the excess.
  2. Keep your eyes closed and apply the hot compress to the infected eye several times a day.
  3. Repeat until the signs of your eye infection are completely gone.

If you have pink eye in both eyes, you should use different clean cloths for each eye. This is to prevent the infection from spreading from one eye to another. If your eye is inflamed, you can also try a cool soothing compress for immediate relief from itchy, scratchy eyes.

Tea bags

Tea bags are a great way to help treat an eye infection at home. The bags already used for eye infections make excellent compresses, and the tea contains soothing properties to help reduce inflammation and irritation caused by eye infections. Tea bags can also help drain pus from eye styes and prevent the infection from getting worse.

For example, green tea contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat various skin disorders.

  1. Dip a green or black tea bag in hot water and leave it for 5 minutes.
  2. Squeeze out excess moisture and make sure the tea bag is not hot.
  3. Place on your infected eye and hold for a few minutes at a time.
  4. Repeat the remedy with the tea bag every day until the irritation, discharge, and any other signs of eye infection are gone for good.


Chamomile is another natural remedy for treating eye infections, especially pink eye and eye styes. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile help eliminate infections and soothe inflamed eyes.

Chamomile is used to eliminate tear sac infections, get rid of conjunctivitis symptoms, and treat other eye disorders. A chamomile compress can help fight pink eye infections.

You can also make a therapeutic eye compress from chamomile tea bags to help get rid of eye infections. All you have to do is follow the instructions on the regular use of tea bags for eye infections.

A word of warning: some people have an allergy to chamomile. Therefore, if you have allergic conjunctivitis, you should use an alternative natural remedy for your eye infection.

Bright Eye (Euphrsia)

You can treat conjunctivitis naturally using a natural remedy called: bright eye (Euphrasia). The bright eye is a natural herb that has traditionally been used to treat eye infections naturally. Also, it can help protect your eyesight and prevent vision problems.

A single drop of bright eye, 3 times a day can produce very good results when treating conjunctivitis. It is also effective for eye infections due to its antimicrobial properties.

The easiest way to use these drops as a natural remedy for eye infections is to buy it from homeopathy. Put one drop in your infected eye 3 times a day until the infection is completely gone.


The best type of honey for treating eye infections is Manuka honey. However, if you can’t get it, you can also use organic honey as an effective natural eye ointment.

To quickly help reduce irritation and inflammation caused by an eye infection, use a little honey to speed healing

  1. Mix equal parts honey with distilled water.
  2. Using a cotton ball, apply the natural honey remedy to the infected eye.
  3. Use 2-3 times a day until the eye infection clears up and no longer has any irritation.

Saline eye wash

You can ease the discomfort in your eye from an eye infection by flushing your eye with a saline solution.

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt in a cup of water.
  2. Boil the salt solution and let it cool until hot.
  3. Use an eye bath to rinse the infected eye.
  4. Repeat rinsing the eye with the salt water 2-3 times a day until all symptoms of the eye infection are gone.

Colloidal silver

Some people have found that colloidal silver is a natural treatment for conjunctivitis or eye styes. Eye drops (also in cream) that contain colloidal silver can help clear eye infections.

You should buy colloidal silver from a health store or online.

  1. Put 1-2 drops of colloidal silver in your infected eye and blink to distribute the solution.
  2. Repeat 2 times a day.
  3. Continue using until the eye infection clears up.

How to prevent eye infections

Here are some practical ways to prevent infections of the eyelid, eyes, or the area around the eye:

  • Avoid touching your eyes and face. If necessary, wash your hands carefully beforehand.
  • When treating eye infections, always wash your hands before and after applying the remedies.
  • Don’t share towels, face towels, or pillows.
  • Protect your eyes with goggles or goggles against dust, chemicals, and other irritants.
  • If you wear contact lenses, always remove them before going to sleep and follow the cleaning solution instructions carefully.

Eye Infections – When to See a Doctor

Always see a doctor promptly if your eye infection causes any of the following:

  • Moderate or severe pain in one or both eyes.
  • The redness in or around the eye becomes very intense.
  • Symptoms of an eye infection do not improve within 24 hours of home treatment.
  • You develop sensitivity to light.
  • Your vision is blurry or impaired.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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