Women commonly make sacrifices for fashion, but at what cost? Studies have shown that high-heeled shoes can be expensive in more ways than one, causing severe damage to your spine, hips, knees, ankles, and feet, altering posture and gait.

There is a number of research that has been done to help educate and convince women that the practice of wearing high heels is not entirely advisable . Find out more details below.

Harmful effects on the body from wearing high-heeled shoes

High-heeled shoes are created more than anything for looks and not for comfort. There is generally much less support on the heels than in the case of wearing sneakers or even sandals. The constant pressure on the pads of the feet causes an uneven distribution of body weight and tends to cause discomfort in the toes. The nerves can also be affected in the lower back due to the strange posture that is achieved when you wear high heels . Nerve pain in the lower back can be very bothersome and not pleasant.

Frequent use of heels can cause long-term problems, because you are continually bending your toes in an unnatural position .

This can cause a wide range of ailments, from ingrown toenails to irreversible damage to the tendons in the leg. Also, crowding the toes into a narrow pointed end of typical shoes can cause bunions and nerve damage . High heels have also been linked to overworked or leg muscle injuries, knee osteoarthritis , plantar fasciitis, and back pain.

Pain in fingers

The high-heeled shoe shape is designed to hold the foot in a particular position for the benefit of its appearance, not to provide comfort. Resting your entire body weight on your feet ends up causing considerable pain after a while. Walking on the pads of your feet all day also tends to create yellowish areas on the bottom of your feet that are sore even after removing your heels.

Sore calves

This effect often happens when you get used to wearing high heels . However, the daily use of high-heeled shoes not only causes temporary pain, but can also cause bulging veins in the legs, known as varicose veins or spider veins . This is something to keep in mind when wearing high heels on a regular basis.

Ankle sprains

There are a large number of cases of ankle sprain that are caused by wearing heels . Although the cause of this is not directly related to the use of heels, it is true that the position of the body and the way of walking tends to be affected, which can lead to a series of falls or accidents due to this type. of footwear.

There are potholes, vents, drain grates, and so many other uneven places to walk that can end up causing a fall. In addition to the sprained ankle; It can also be the case of broken ankles, bruised knees and elbows , and even the occasional shock caused by wearing heels.

Affect the natural curve of the spine

The lower back becomes even more arched than usual when wearing high heels . Also, the higher the height of the heels, the lower back tends to become even more arched. If you don’t spend a lot of time walking in your heels, you probably won’t notice discomfort from this unnatural curvature in your back. However this extreme curve is also a cause of pain in the lower back and upper region as well.

Blood vessel restriction

Many styles of high heels are shaped to make the foot look longer, slimmer, and somewhat elegant. The shape of the shoe squeezes the foot into an unnatural position, thus causing constriction of blood flow and sometimes even causing blood vessels to break. It is a very high cost that must be paid to maintain a fashion that recommends the use of a type of footwear that is not very suitable for the health of the feet and the body in general.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses. He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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