The fever seems to strike suddenly. A sign that our immune system is under attack and working hard to attack . Fever allows our body to produce an antiviral substance called interferon .
Interferon is a fundamental necessity to fight infection. A fever will also increase the movement and activity of the white blood cells which is also important for healing.
Benefits of fever
The benefits of fever have been recognized for thousands of years. In fact, history tells of many patients who have been cured of the disease with therapeutic fevers. At present, there is significant research suggesting that mild to moderate fever should be allowed to run its course.
How fever works
- Shorten the duration of the disease.
- Reduce the chances of spreading the disease to other people.
However, during the creation of the pharmaceutical movement in the mid-19th century, aspirin compounds became commercially available and were largely marketed to the public. In the early 1900s, drug companies had, with great success, convinced general practitioners and patients to be cautious and vigilant of bringing down fevers.
In reference to the common cold , flu or a regular viral infection, it can be counterproductive to suppress our body’s natural defenses. Of course there are exceptions, for example, you should seek medical attention for fevers over 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) that last more than 4-6 hours or for any level of fever in babies less than 6 months old. age.
Natural alternatives to treat fever
It is certainly a dreadful thing when our children or spouses are suddenly struck with a fever. But, immediately treatment with Tylenol or Ibuprofen cannot provide the best care.
So here are some tips to provide comfort and aid the body in healing:
Fl owers elderberry, feverfew, and yarrow are known to help in treating fevers . The Ginger has a warming effect and therefore useful in relieving chills. In addition, preparing tea with them for children, makes them always hydrated and nourished.
Some of the herbal teas offered for fevers are: chamomile , echinacea, red clover, and peppermint. The lemon juice and honey can also be added to tea for an extra dose of vitamin C and sweeten. (Note: It is recommended not to give honey to children under one year of age).
Grated potatoes
Grate peeled potatoes and place it in the socks of the child or person with a fever. This will help lower the fever.
Belladonna, Aconitum, Nux vomica, and Pulsatilla are four of the most common homeopathic remedies that I have used for fevers with great success.
Provide Nutritious Food and Fluids – We often lose our appetite when sick with a fever, so it is super important to give nutritious fluids, such as fresh fruit / vegetable juices, herbal teas, homemade broths and to maintain energy and hydration levels .
Rest and simple activity
While it is very important for people with a fever to rest frequently, a simple activity is very beneficial. A simple walk around the block in the beautiful fresh air lifts your spirits.
Lots of fluids and cold foods
Drink lots of cold food and drinks to help lower your body temperature from the inside out. It is very important to stay hydrated.
Essential oils
Lavender, thyme, rosemary, eucalyptus, sage and essential oils provide comfort in treating fevers. They are also known to help support the work of the immune system to support the body’s natural defenses. For example, apply a few drops of lavender essential oil to cold water and soak a washcloth in the solution to rub a child’s forehead for a cooldown, for a cooling and relaxing effect.
Herbal spray treatment for fever
Herbal fever spray.
- 1/4 cup 70% rubbing alcohol
- 1/4 cup scotch elm
- 3 drops of peppermint essential oil
- 3 drops of lavender essential oil
Instructions: Combine all ingredients in a spray bottle. Shake to mix. Store in the refrigerator to keep it cool.
How to use: Spray on pulse points every hour while awake. Pulse points are the areas where the pulse can be felt with the fingers: the wrists, the sides of the neck, and behind the knee.
Precautions: Label the bottle “for external use only.” Avoid spraying in the eyes and mouth. Use sparingly in children under 4 years of age (due to alcohol content).