Ginkgo biloba has different uses in natural medicine, one of its main ones being to help improve concentration in a very significant way and improve memory.

The Ginkgo Biloba or tree of the forty shields is a tree without living relatives, it is unique in the world, whose leaves are used in various cultures as medicine and its medicinal uses can be very varied .

Where to find Ginkgo Biloba?

Ginkgo Biloba is a plant native to China and could live for a millennium. It flourishes in different climates around the world, however, it grows mainly in China and Korea, in the southern and eastern United States, in southern France, and in cities in Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile. For centuries it has been used for its therapeutic actions.

medicinal properties of Ginkgo Biloba

The characteristics of ginkgo , which make it a long-lived and resistant tree , would be among the properties that it can provide to humans, treating and being useful in the fight against typical disorders of old age.

Ginkgo biloba is generally used as a tonic , especially in cases of fatigue or tiredness; It is very useful in times of intense physical and mental activity, in which we have the typical feeling of exhaustion.

Ginkgo can improve arterial circulation as well as vein circulation and capillary circulation . It is a vasodilator and can alleviate, in part, the disorders caused by arteriosclerosis.

Ginkgo can also counteract the irrigation problems in the brain and its related problems such as vertigo, headache, ringing in the ears, loss of balance, sleep and memory disorders.

Ginkgo is also very useful for treating lower extremity circulatory conditions such as varicose veins, phlebitis, swollen ankles, and tired legs. However, in these cases, the internal consumption of ginkgo must be accompanied by an external treatment based on poultices, compresses and ointments.

More benefits found in the Ginkgo Biloba tree

  • Promote the functioning of the circulatory system .
  • Improve intellectual performance and concentration.
  • Reduce fatigue and tiredness.
  • Its use has been found to be helpful in treating hemorrhoids .
  • Studies show that Ginkgo biloba also inhibits the formation of blood clots, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks or strokes.
  • In recent times, studies have been carried out on the use of Ginkgo Biloba as an adjunct in the treatment of Alzheimer’s , Senile Dementia and Parkinson’s

Home remedies with Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba can combat poor circulation : An infusion should be made with 50 grams of leaves per liter of water. Take a cup three times a day.

Remedy to activate circulation (option 2): In order to achieve the maximum circulatory benefit, you can complement the consumption of the Ginkgo infusion with the use of compresses. For this, you should take 100 grams of leaves per liter of water. Then wait for this preparation to be cold and then a towel should be inserted, twisted and applied on the varicose vein area or on the legs or ankle in cases of edema, phlebitis.

Ginkgo biloba helps treat memory, concentration and dizziness problems : It is prepared by placing two teaspoons of dried Ginkgo Biloba leaves in a cup of boiling water, cover, let it stand for 15 minutes and drink up to two cups per day.

Note: It is recommended to visit a specialist before carrying out any treatment.
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Contraindications and care in the use of Ginkgo Biloba

There are no contraindications described in the literature, but care must be taken with hypersensitivity.

Although in experimental studies no teratogenic action has been indicated (that is, that could cause malformation in the fetus), it is recommended to avoid its use during the first trimester of pregnancy and only under medical supervision during lactation.

Some side effects may occur, such as gastrointestinal disorders, circulatory disorders (including low blood pressure), headache, or skin reactions. Therefore, always consult a doctor or nutritionist

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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