Fibromyalgia is a type of syndrome represented by generalized pain that is caused in a specific point and generates disability in the person. In general terms, it also affects the social, psychological and biological spheres.
Among the symptoms they experience are: severe muscle pain and moderate depression . In addition, studies in the field related to this condition indicate that this chronic syndrome affects women and men in a ratio of 21 to 1. [ 3 ]
It is for this reason that many people who suffer from these types of health conditions, seek other alternatives or conventional treatment to improve their physical condition. Among these complementary modalities that have generated satisfactory results in patients to treat fibromyalgia is yoga, therefore it is convenient to know all the advantages that this activity causes.
In this sense, and because there are physical conditioning programs that cause pain and fatigue, yoga becomes one of the ideal alternatives to achieve satisfactory results, given these conditions. This is because this modality requires gentle physical activity, generating adequate exercises for patients with fibromyalgia. [ 1 ]
On the other hand, the emotional factor is of great importance for people who suffer from FM, therefore mindfulness exercises , in combination with physical relationships, provide a great contribution to the patient to reduce pain caused by fibromyalgia.
A Canadian study, published in the Journal of Pain Research, revealed that practicing yoga, at least twice a week for two months, can reduce symptoms of chronic pain and associated psychological stress in women with fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia and yoga
Fibromyalgia patients are affected by intense pain at the muscular level. Therefore, the alternatives to treat fibromyalgia must have a mechanism that generates control over this pain. That is why yoga is accepted as an activity to achieve this end.
In addition to this, the practice of yoga constantly, can provide the necessary tools to separate brain activity in regards to pain. And it is that there are studies with a high professional level that ensure the absence of pain when they are exercising the state of meditation. [ 1 ]
There is also another area that handles the discipline of yoga and that is self-awareness. This activity makes it possible to significantly reduce depression and anxiety in patients with FM and therefore positively influences emotions related to pain.
It is important to highlight the analgesic potential that yoga allows to achieve , as this characteristic is really proven in patients who practice this activity constantly.
It has become an excellent resource to achieve pain control in the case of patients with this type of syndrome.
How does yoga work in fibromyalgia?
In the case of the practice of yoga to treat fibromyalgia , it is necessary for patients to be able to strictly follow each of the positions that characterize this discipline, in order to largely avoid any type of risk for them. In this way you can execute them in a comfortable and adequate way.
Furthermore, yoga has the possibility of modifying and adapting its various techniques, according to the characteristics of the patients. Therefore, these adaptations allow achieving a level of satisfaction and well-being in people with fibromyalgia.
Yoga and diaphragmatic breathing
On the other hand, one of the elements that is handled in the field of yoga for this type of conditions in patients is the process of diaphragmatic breathing . In this way, the respiratory rate can be significantly reduced.
In addition to this, meditation and relationship as a characteristic process of yoga, help to improve the elements related to the emotional and affective field of pain. Which becomes a great benefit for FM patients.
All these considerations have highlighted yoga as one of the best alternatives for treating fibromyalgia . This, because it has the necessary techniques and methods that significantly and progressively help the state of health of these patients.
If you have joint or inflammatory pain, chronic pain, intestinal pain, or even fibromyalgia, yoga can help.
If proper management of the movements and positions that characterize this discipline is achieved, pain can be reduced, allowing patients to calm down and relax.
Other beneficial aspects of this ancient practice is that the gentle exercises that yoga involves help regain movement of the body. Adapted postures will help to further develop flexibility and improve muscle strength as well as provide plenty of relaxation.
Yoga in the face of fibromyalgia treatments
There are many benefits that yoga generates when patients decide to treat fibromyalgia through this discipline. It is convenient to know these significant elements that are obtained when practicing yoga, so that patients feel confident in treating this condition and optimally improving their health. [ 2 ]
In this regard, yoga is characterized by generating the following benefits in the body of a patient with FM:
- Increased flexibility.
- Improves the functioning of the immune system.
- Helps in the breathing process.
- Increased oxygenation in the case of tissues.
- Soothes the nervous system.
- Transform neurotransmitter levels.
- Strengthens brain function.
- Relieves pain significantly.
- Improves the psychological aspect of the patient.
- Releases muscle tensions.
In short, considering these elements to treat fibromyalgia allows patients to improve their quality of life. In addition, they will get adequate techniques and methods that significantly help the functioning of the body, thus achieving that the pain and medical complications that are suffered, are managed to be adequately controlled.
This is how knowing the characteristics and function of yoga on the well-being and improvement of people’s health, is an excellent way to adopt appropriate methods to improve the functioning of the body, alleviating various discomfort that can be generated in the body by the demands from day to day, or by the presence of a pathology or syndrome, such as fibromyalgia.