So you’ve started your weight loss journey, your workouts are planned for the next few weeks, and you’ve started cleaning up your diet – junk food is out! But did you know that there is a right way to get the most out of your workouts and it has to do with the way you fuel your body? A better diet before and after exercise helps you lose weight.
To stay at peace with the scale, exercise is not enough: you need organization and discipline to balance your diet and replenish nutrients properly. And for those who follow an exercise program, we must highlight the importance of eating after training , as it is essential to burn fat.
Good diet and exercise must go hand in hand to lose weight
A correct diet contributes enormously, not only to eat before and after exercise, as if it were a ritual, but good nutrition must always be present to obtain the benefit of losing weight in a healthy way.
Choosing foods rich in nutrients and fiber, suitable for maintaining muscle mass, as well as a correct combination of these before and after exercise, is essential.
How Eating Before and After Exercise Helps You Lose Weight
If you are looking to lose weight, exercising in the morning is your best option. For best results, exercising as soon as you wake up before breakfast will help you burn more fat because that’s when your body’s glucose levels are at their lowest – your body burns glucose and fat when you exercise, so if you have low glucose level your body will burn more fat. In short, don’t eat before your morning workout.
However, yes, there is always a, “however”, it is all about finding the balance. If you go for a run in the morning and find that you are exhausted after only 2 km because you are hungry, it is better to eat something small, even if your goal is to lose weight. If you skip breakfast and find that you are exercising only 40 percent, you will not see results, so you will need to feed your body well.
Depending on your goal (are you looking to lose weight or are you exercising to get fit?) Your pre-exercise fuel should be small and light. Something that is high in carbohydrates, but not too heavy is best, like a banana or berries. You don’t need too much protein or fat because that will slow down your metabolism and you will get cramps when you exercise.
Do you prefer to exercise during the day? You will want to make sure that you are not exercising on a full stomach. Coordinate your diet and exercise throughout the day, so eat two hours before any exercise.
How soon after exercise should you eat?
Again, the answer depends on the objective. If you are looking for weight loss results, it is important to be strict with your diet after training. There are two views on this. There is an opinion that you should eat after exercising at the 45 minute mark, when your food reserves have been depleted. On the other hand, it is suggested that you consume the highest amount of carbohydrates immediately after exercising, because they will be processed faster through your body.
Store protein and healthy fats for 45 minutes after carbs. It’s all about finding what works for you, but if you take the latter approach, grab a fruit (like a banana or some berries) immediately after exercising and an egg or salmon with avocado 45 minutes later to complete breakfast.
If your goal is performance-oriented, you should eat protein and carbohydrates together immediately after exercising because you want to replace the glycogen stores that you just consumed.
Water is essential in your exercise and diet plan
It is also essential to stay hydrated before, during and after physical activity . Recent studies recommend consuming two glasses of water half an hour before exercise. A balanced diet and fluid intake improve the quality of physical activity, help reduce the amount of fat and increase muscle mass.