Flatulence is not only the effect of an internal metabolic process, but rather, the final result – and not at all pleasant – of the internal state of health. In the short term they reveal a digestion process that varies according to the food consumed, in the medium and long term intestinal gases say about your health what few external signals reveal .

Research results from the National Institutes of Health affirm that an average person has 14 intestinal gases a day. But a number high than this could be an indication of quiet problems that continue to advance .

Gases are a mixture of swallowed air that enters the digestive system “accidentally” when you breathe (which would be all the air that passes through your mouth – either through chewing gums, drinking fizzy drinks and eating very fast ) and it is also the gas produced by the bacteria in your large intestine.

Bacteria in your intestines create gas, while breaking down sugars and starches that your body cannot easily digest. The bacteria breakdown process produces about 2 to 6 cups of gas per day, and after it builds up, it needs to get out somewhere. Regular gas is a sign that you are getting enough fiber, and you have a healthy collection of bacteria in your intestines.

What intestinal gas says about your health

Below is a list of causes that could give an idea about why you have too much gas a day and what these flatulence or intestinal gases say about your internal health .

Irritable bowel syndrome

At the top of the list is the main problem of gases with a strong, painful stench that causes its evacuation several times a day . The syndrome irritable colon causes flatulence characteristics in early stages, in advanced phases will continue constipation and diarrhea. If these symptoms persist for more than three days it is recommended to go to the specialist.

Super population of bacteria

All people have bacteria, they are necessary throughout the digestion process, they will always be there. The problem occurs when the level of these increases, this elevation is due to poorly prepared food, which has already passed its expiration date, among other factors. If intestinal gas increases suspiciously and stays that way for several days, then a fasting stool culture is recommended to rule out or affirm this process.

The overpopulation of bacteria can also affect the joints , so it is necessary to know if you suffer from a bacterial overgrowth , and how you can treat it satisfactorily.

Infections and allergies

Eating too fast or too heavily and without caution can lead to abnormal flatulence . They are generally the main problems –in a smaller range- that occur in our daily lives. Both cases cause infections in the small intestine and colon. Pain produces excess gas, which in turn causes pain. This combination is not clear and if it is strong it should be attended by a specialist.

Parasites and ulcers

Parasites in the human body have various reactions, ranging from skin allergies to abundant intestinal gas . But its main characteristic is that these are accompanied by belching. Sometimes it can also be due to ulcers caused in any part of the digestive system.

If this is the case, you can try some natural solutions to end this problem, try the mixture to eliminate the parasites in a natural way.

Changing process of hormones

The hormonal change can also be the occasion of increased intestinal gas . But it is not so easy to explain. According to age, this change will vary, research reveals that during puberty men tend to suffer more from this condition. In the case of women, flatulence is more in the menopausal stage.

Other short-term factors

  • Poor digestion , it can be fed quickly and this results in portions that are not fully digested and damage the small intestine.
  • Consume expired food , in this case the batteries proliferate and it is these that are consumed and increase the level allowed in the intestinal flora.
  • Too many processed products , the current shelf life has a name: “speed”, and this causes processed foods with high chemicals to be ingested. Time is gained but the battle of good health is lost, which is reflected in the progressively increasing intestinal gases.
  • Eating or drinking products that the body does not tolerate , flatulence increases and it is easy to deduce what this alteration is due to.
  • Due to the consumption of medicine , due to the active chemicals, the intestinal flora is damaged and the absorption process is altered, preventing the nutrients in the food from reaching their final point. This process leads to an increase in flatulence that generally occurs during food consumption.

What the smell of your gas says about what’s going on in your gut

If you wonder how it could be possible that the smell (or frequency) of gases can give you clues to your health, you are not alone. We’ve put together some information that may give you some clues that the inevitable gas can help you learn more about your body and your health.

Fumes that stink

About one percent of the gas produced by our intestines is not fragrance-free. That smell is usually hydrogen sulfide, a gas that is created when the body breaks down food with sulfur in it.

Many very healthy foods produce sulfur-containing gas when digested. This gas leaves the body after digestion in the form of a smelly fart. So if you’ve been eating red meat, broccoli, cauliflower, lima beans, or dairy, don’t be surprised if you run into slightly stinky farts later on.

Extremely smelly gases

Let’s face it: most of the farts we smell aren’t exactly scent flowers. But if you find yourself passing gas that is truly awful in smell, it may be a sign of an underlying health problem.

If you need to pass gas immediately after consuming dairy products, it may be a sign that your body is having a hard time breaking down lactose, and you may be interested to know that most people are lactose intolerant to some degree.

Less often, frequent and very stinky farts can be a sign of a chronic problem, such as irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease, or an infection such as gastroenteritis. But there are also other reasons that your digestive system is not working properly.

Odorless gases

Odorless farts, of course, are completely healthy and normal.

Not all flatulence has an acidic smell. Sometimes the gases that come out are simply a build-up of air swallowed while talking or from drinking sparkling water earlier in the day. These odorless gases are similar to “burps,” only they leave the body in a different place.

Myths about flatulence

Hold it vs. Let It Go: Can Holding It Harm Your Health?

Holding the gas will not make it go away magically. In fact, they are likely to lead to bloating and abdominal pain. If you feel the urge to hit a gas, if you can, it is better to let it go and not hold it.

Loud vs. silent: does it matter?

Are noisy gases different from silent gases? The answer is no. The volume of a gas has little to do with your health and a lot to do with the position of your body at the moment the gas exits. Some gases are strong, some will be quiet. Some leave for a few seconds, while others are a mere breath of air. None of these factors have any impact on the health of your body.

Man vs. woman: Is there really a difference?

Men often find themselves getting the short end of the stick when it comes to the stereotypes surrounding flatulence, while women are practically revered as angels who don’t blow themselves up.

The truth is that both men’s and women’s gases are at the same frequency and both men and women produce smelly gases.

Final recommendation

The intestinal gases say about your health much, or better said, reveal many cases. Specifically, if this increase in flatulence disappears soon, a culture or go to the specialist will not be necessary, but if they spread for more than three days then it is important to carry out the respective analysis. In the best of cases a weekly treatment will be sufficient, in the worst of cases, the origin of the problem will have advanced to a chronic level. Avoiding it depends on each person and their prompt reaction.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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