Tomato is one of the tastiest and most beneficial vegetables for health, which is practically available to anyone, and is part of many diets to lose weight.
Tomato can be eaten cooked, it can be raw (well washed), roasted, prepared in sauce, in a drink such as juice or in a gazpacho, tomato is a nutritious, refreshing and accessible food. However, the health benefits of tomatoes may be greater than those of any drug, the product of expensive and complex research, that man has invented. And it is that, to date, no drug has managed to have as many therapeutic properties as the tomato has revealed, since it can prevent cancer and heart attack, in addition to fighting many other diseases.
The benefits of tomato
Tomato is a known remineralizer and detoxifier.
In addition to the toxins that it expels due to its diuretic effect, it is also responsible for eliminating uric acid and reducing cholesterol. It is not surprising, therefore, that a study from the University of North Carolina, in the United States, found that people who consumed this food regularly had half the risk of suffering a heart attack than those who did not. The study compared 1,300 Americans and Europeans who had suffered a heart attack with the same number of subjects who had never had it.
The conclusion was clear: the difference was in the consumption of tomato.
The substance that, according to all the studies, is responsible for this result is lycopene, a pigment that gives it its characteristic red color. Lycopene is also found in watermelons, carrots, apricots, and grapefruits. The difference is that the tomato is the one with the highest proportion of this pigment, to the point that it provides 90 percent of what is necessary for the body.
The different types of tomato
There are different types of tomatoes, there are round, pear, cherry or ‘cherry’, vine and Montserrat, among others , but, broadly speaking, all these varieties share the same nutritional properties : they are a source of potassium, phosphorus and Magnesium (necessary for normal nerve and muscle activity), provide us with significant amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B5, E and, above all, C and A – specifically, beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A.
Benefits of tomato for weight loss
The tomato hardly contains fat. This characteristic, together with its diuretic power, makes it an exceptional ally in weight loss and weight control diets.
It is also a food very rich in lycopene, a plant pigment of the carotenoid family that gives tomato its characteristic red color. The Lycopene has antioxidant properties and numerous studies have shown that regular consumption helps reduce some types of cancer such as prostate, lung and digestivo- tract and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Its positive effects have also been contrasted in the prevention of arteriosclerosis and macular degeneration syndrome, the main cause of blindness in people over 65 years of age.
Tomato nutrition facts
Tomatoes are excellent sources of vitamins, fiber and minerals, in addition to helping you lose weight, anyone can benefit from tomatoes, regardless of age and whether or not they are looking to lose weight. Diced tomatoes (approximately 180 grams) provide you with almost half of your daily requirement for vitamin C. They contain vitamin A, K, B6, B1, and vitamin E, and potassium, folate, magnesium, iron, and protein. Have you already convinced yourself that the tomato diet is a true health cure as well as an ally for weight loss?
Tomato protects free radicals
Antioxidants are a group of vitamins, minerals and natural colorants that protect the cells of our body from the damaging effects caused by free radicals , molecules that are formed in the human body when they come into contact with oxygen; that is, when we breathe. Free radicals are, in part, responsible for aging, cardiovascular diseases and the development of cancer, and they work by attacking cell membranes and the genetic material of cells – DNA.
Tomato antioxidants protect against free radicals
This process of cellular oxidation, which affects all tissues, occurs naturally and is inevitable since we cannot live without breathing, but factors such as environmental pollution, smoking, diets rich in saturated fat, taking too much sun and Excessive physical exercise contributes to increasing the production of free radicals .
Most antioxidants can be found in plant foods, which is why it is so important to incorporate plenty of fruits and vegetables into our diet: they protect you against free radicals naturally. The three great antioxidant ‘potions’ in tomato are vitamins C, E and beta – carotene (pro-vitamin A).
Some of the foods with the highest antioxidant power are: citrus fruits, nuts, spinach, onion –especially purple ones–, avocado, berries –blackberries, strawberries, blueberries–, cabbage, carrots, grapes. , pumpkin, melon, kiwi and, of course, tomato.
Tomato is very rich in lycopene, a vegetable pigment that helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Tomatoes should not be green or overripe
Lovers of pizzas, ketchup, and dishes washed down with plenty of tomato sauce are in luck: cooking and processing tomatoes does not reduce the healthy properties of lycopene . Recent research confirms that the organism absorbs lycopene from tomato much better if it is consumed processed or cooked in oil – fried, roasted and in sauce – than natural or in juice.
When it comes to buying tomatoes, we will opt for the freshest ones, with smooth skin without blemishes, soft to the touch and that are neither soft nor dented. They should be chosen neither too green nor too reddish, as tomatoes continue to ripen during storage. One trick to make ripe tomatoes last longer is to place them upside down and separated from each other.
If they are to be consumed raw, they should be washed with plenty of water and a few drops of bleach to eliminate possible germs. In the fridge they can be kept in good condition for 6 to 8 days if they are kept whole and a maximum of 2 days in juice or crushed. During the conservation time, the tomato maintains most of the vitamins thanks to its skin and its level of acidity.
Tomato is a staple in the kitchen
Due to its versatility and flavor, the tomato is one of the star foods in the kitchen . A culinary wild card that can be prepared in countless ways: raw and seasoned in salads, in juices, with bread and oil, fried, roasted, in consommé and jam and many other ways.
How to prepare tomato in sauces
To prepare sauces, the tomato must be ripe, so it will have a less acid taste and will thicken better. If you want to correct the taste of acidity, just add a teaspoon of sugar. It is also preferable to peel tomatoes before preparing them in sauces or scammed. To remove the skin easily, a small cross-shaped cut is made at the base and immersed in boiling water for a few moments; When the skin begins to rise, it is removed and allowed to cool.
The basic ingredients to prepare a good tomato sauce are:
- 2 chopped onions
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- Salt
- olive oil
- ripe tomatoes and as we have indicated, a pinch of sugar to eliminate the acidity.
Cook everything in a frying pan over low heat for 30 to 45 minutes and, to make it fine, it is passed through the mash or blender.
For salad. Salad tomatoes are generally hard, larger than the rest of the varieties and with a slightly greenish tone at the base .
The tomato diet for weight loss
In turn, this tomato diet to lose weight can be very effective in detoxifying the body.
In addition to helping you lose weight, the tomato diet has a lot of health benefits for you and your family. Above all, tomatoes contain many antioxidants, which include lycopene, which in the background red pigment, which we find especially in summer. The high concentration of lycopene and other antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, protect your body from the harmful action of environmental factors.
Tomatoes are also very low in calories – it has only 17 calories per 100g. They do not contain fat or cholesterol, so it can be included in healthy diets , especially weight loss diets. Avoid strict or boring diets, only based on tomatoes, but rather try to integrate them into your daily menu.
Starting the Diet to lose weight
This diet should be carried out with great care in people who suffer from diverticula, and as always, this article is merely informative, it does not supplant the advice of a health specialist and consultation is recommended before making any forceful changes in the diet.
It is advisable to consume at least 2 liters of water, exercise during the diet and walk for about 30 minutes each day.
On an empty stomach
A juice of fresh tomatoes. If you want you can add a mint leaf.
Two tomatoes boiled and seasoned with rosemary.
Salad with tomatoes and bell peppers (chilies) and bean sprouts. Olive oil and lemon dressing.
A juice of fresh tomatoes. If you want you can add a mint leaf.
Salad with tomatoes and bell peppers (chilies) and bean sprouts. Olive oil and lemon dressing.
Before bedtime
A juice of fresh tomatoes. If you want you can add a mint leaf.
Additional for when hunger strikes
Blend 5 mint leaves, half a lemon with peel, 1 carrot, 2 glasses of mineral water and half a tomato.