With these delicious juices you can eliminate kidney stones helping to purify your body and in a totally natural way. Get your body to function properly while enjoying good flavors, read on to know how to prepare them.

At the moment in which we have stones in the kidneys for various causes, which may be related to a poor diet or certain physical conditions, one of the allopathic treatments is the use of chemical pills with the intention of eliminating the stones in the kidneys .

In some cases they can be effective but our body has a maximum assimilation limit towards chemicals, so it may not feel too good for us or the side effects may be unfavorable to our health.

In addition, the use of chemicals and drugs will not prevent the formation of kidney stones , which would not be a natural way to treat this problem in the kidneys at its roots.

Fortunately we have a natural alternative that will help us eliminate kidney stones: It is about making special juices that, in addition to being very tasty, will treat certain kidney problems.

Below you can review these 5 juices to eliminate kidney stones, which you can easily make at home.

Grapefruit juice and aloe vera to remove stones

If we drink this aloe vera juice frequently, it will help us eliminate stones in the kidneys . To do this we will need aloe vera, half a glass of grapefruit juice and honey if we want to give it a sweeter touch (this is optional).

The idea is to extract the gel from the aloe vera leaves , peel the grapefruit and grind them in a blender. Then you can add honey and we already have our aloe vera or aloe juice that will help us treat kidney problems and purify our blood, according to the book The Science Principles and Practices of Herbal Medicine.

Mango, melon, orange and grapefruit juice

The properties of these 4 fruits together can create an authentic multi-fruit juice to eliminate stones in the kidneys. It is very simple to prepare although with so many ingredients we can come to think otherwise.


  • 1/2 mango
  • 1 orange
  • 1 grapefruit or grapefruit
  • 1/4 melon

We have to make sure that each fruit is properly peeled; the peel and the seed can only make the juice bitter and we don’t want that. It is important to wash the fruits before crushing them.
Once we have everything ready, we will introduce it in the blender and mix until all the flavors are perfectly integrated.

It is advisable to drink this juice 2 times a day.

Carrot, apple, orange and cucumber juice


A great combination that will help us eliminate kidney stones . We need 4 carrots, 2 apples, 2 garlic cloves, 1 cucumber, and an orange.

Like the previous option, it is very simple to prepare. We have to make sure we peel all the ingredients perfectly. Pay close attention to garlic as its coverage can seriously spoil the final result of the juice.
Wash each fruit and mash it for a few minutes. Take a glass daily to notice its effects.

Cranberry juice to eliminate kidney stones


Blueberries prevent urinary tract infections, the antibacterial compounds known as tannins in blueberries help prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the kidneys .. You can add to the list that they are also capable of eliminating stones in the kidneys.

In order to create the juice we will need 1 cup of blueberry juice already made (you can buy it in the supermarket although it is always advisable to prepare them at home to take advantage of their freshly made properties) half a cup of water and a small spoonful of lemon. It is as simple as combining all the ingredients in the same cup and drinking it every day.
It should be combined with an increase in water intake to achieve the best results.

Pineapple juice effective to cleanse the kidneys

Pineapple also has beneficial properties to eliminate kidney stones . Although we can take it alone and get good effects, it is more interesting to follow the instructions below so that they are more immediate.

We have to cut the pineapple into small pieces and combine it with a cup of rice milk. Mix everything together until the flavors are well integrated. If you want, you can add a little water to achieve that the result of the juice is not so dense.
You will have a great juice with which to remove stones naturally.

Take advantage of these 5 Juices that you can easily prepare and that will take you away from chemistry to achieve your goal of keeping your kidneys healthy.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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