Since the invention of penicillin, the advancement that scientists and medical specialists have made with respect to antibiotics has been immense. However, with the passage of time and the capacity for adaptation and change that some bacteria have, they have constantly made modifications and even increase the components of some drugs specialized in the eradication of bacteria, which can get us sick from death.

Bacteria are microorganisms that live everywhere, there are even bacteria in the air we breathe. Not necessarily all the bacteria that inhabit the environment are negative, many are an important part of the prevention of diseases, since they have behaviors of attack against other bacteria that can harm us, so they are considered important.

Some live inside our body and are generated naturally, that is, the same organism produces them as another of its many defensive measures, although they should not be confused with antibodies.

Bacteria that become resistant to antibiotics

In the microscopic world in which bacteria inhabit there are a thousand of them, some are very weak and their life spans are extremely short, others remain in hibernation processes and only manifest under specific conditions, there are also the strongest bacteria both harmful and superficial. Both categories have select groups of bacteria that have been able to adapt well to Darwin’s evolutionary theory, survival, changing, dying so that the next generation is stronger and more adapted, to withstand the various environmental conditions or attack by drugs.

Here are five bacteria that have managed to transcend an evolutionary point where it is really difficult to eliminate them, due to their resistance to antibiotics.


Staphylococcusaureus is typical of skin diseases. It belongs to the group of staphylococci, generating unpleasant infections at skin levels , if it is not attacked in the right time it can begin to run through the blood system, affecting the body in general.

In general, people who usually inhabit hospital environments are infected with this bacterium. The antecedents regarding the type of treatment of this bacterium go back to the use of methicillin, but its strength has increased which makes it much more difficult to fight it. This bacteria is not fatal if treated early.


Neisseriagonorrhoeae, better known as gonorrhea, is one of the many sexually transmitted diseases. It has high rates of contagion and is characterized by being formed with several groups of bacteria, although its treatment can partially cure it, scientists and microbiologists have discovered a new class totally immune to any type of drug, specifically antibiotics.


Streptococcuspneumoniae, unlike its relative of skin infections, this bacterium belongs to the group of pneumococci. This bacterium is among one of the most harmful to human beings, since it causes terrible respiratory and abdominal infections ; If it is left for a long time without adequate antibiotic treatment, it can cause abdominal starting point sepsis, meningitis and in the most extreme cases, death.

In general, this type of infection is treated with penicillin or any of its derivatives, however, with the appearance of this new catalyst, Streptococcuspneumoniae, a real fight has been made as it is not affected by the proven antibiotics.


In the moments that an individual manifests severe diarrhea to the point that the body can become dehydrated in a matter of hours, it is most likely that they are infected with Clostridium difficile.

This bacterium is usually contracted intrahospital, which means that patients who possess it are usually already under antibiotic control, which makes it difficult to eradicate from the body. For now, doctors perform a procedure called: Stool Transplantation and it consists of making the positive bacteria in the body destroy the negative ones.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Finally, among the infinite variety of bacteria, there is one as old as humanity itself, causing millions of deaths due to the appearance of a deadly disease in each person who contracted Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

A disease with enormous infectious levels, highly contagious and affects the respiratory system. Although an endless number of drugs have been developed with technological advances, there is still no drug powerful enough that can fight tuberculosis. This bacterium does not respond to any type of antibiotic, at least not one that can guarantee a long life.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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