It is very true that nowadays the use of the cell phone has become much more frequent and we all like to take our phone with us everywhere, to school, work, to parties, when we go for a walk among many other activities, not to mention all. But if you are addicted to the telephone, you may take it with you even when you go to the bathroom , despite this telephone addiction, it is very important to know that it is not good to carry the cell phone everywhere. We will tell you some reasons why you should not use your phone in the bathroom .
Technology is something very advantageous that many of us use, especially young people today, as it is used to have fun and to talk with people who do not see frequently, to study or research, to listen to music or watch movies and for hundreds of things. more.
Many believe that technology is vital, that it is something they could not live without and that it is very novel in every way. In recent years, cell phones have manifested in such a way that today practically everyone owns it, from adults and adolescents, to children of 8 or 10 years old. People have begun to communicate in a better way, thanks to it distances have been shortened, so much has been the advantage that one person can communicate with another from anywhere in the world. It has become essential for relating, for work and for sharing.
Reasons you shouldn’t use your phone in the bathroom
Although it is true that it has become a necessity for everyone, like everything else, it must have its limits. We will tell you the reasons why you should not use the phone when you go to the bathroom.
1. You can fall into the toilet
Did you know that this is something that happens very commonly? Much more than you could imagine, if it happened you already know what can happen, you would have to say goodbye to all the music, games, photos, phone numbers of family and friends and that would be very unfortunate. Although some new cell phones may be more resistant to water, it is not a good idea to expose ourselves to dropping them down the toilet.
2. It could get messy with your needs
You certainly don’t want that to happen to you, it would be very unpleasant. This happens very regularly, especially if there is no distant place to put it. Think about this, you go to the bathroom, you take your cell phone before washing your hands and you leave all the bacteria and viruses there, you may even rub your hands over your mouth. In addition to this, leaving the phone on other surfaces can also transfer bacteria and viruses, for example leaving it near the roll of paper or on the toilet seat is not hygienic, since these areas are highly contaminated almost all the time.
Staring at your cell phone in a public bathroom exposes you even more to the risk of a lot of other germs floating around, this would be a very bad idea. Did you know that just the screen of your phone can accumulate more bacteria than a public toilet ? And even if it is cleaned with a paper or cloth, it can harbor bacteria that accumulate for days.
Smartphones, keyboards and tablets are even more contaminated than toilet seats, according to a study by the UK watchdog
3. If you call someone or they call you they will know you are there
It is very obvious, because the echo of the bathroom gives you away, don’t be surprised if they tell you are you in the bathroom? However, these are not the only reasons why using the mobile phone in the bathroom can be a bad idea, in addition to the health problems that it can bring, it can also cause “the task” to become more difficult with the risk of expose yourself to diseases like
Other reasons
- It would take you much longer: if there is a line outside the bathroom waiting to get in, it would be very bad taste to extend yourself too much. And in reality it is not the most ideal time to attend to your affairs.
- You will not be able to relax: clear your mind, and avoid playing games or watching the news or entering social networks, this will not help you relax at all.
- You may forget: if you are in a public place and it is forgotten, rest assured that you will never see it again.
- You will lose the signal: if it turns out that the bathroom is too hidden, it is very likely that the walls will remove the signal, and you will have a device that will not serve you at all, only to transfer bacteria from one side to the other.
These other reasons are nothing compared to the health problems it can cause, and although it is necessary to be available to everyone at all times, be balanced, everything has its moment and you must take into account these reasons not to use your phone on the bath.