Why do people get depressed? Unfortunately, there are many reasons for that. Fortunately, there are also many reasons why it doesn’t happen, and they can help you when depression tries to take over your life .
One of the signs of depression is the inability to experience joy, known as “anhedonia.” It sounds terrible, really. Even such a symptom is enough to want to get out of that state. In this article I share 10 tips to survive depression and help you get out of this oppressive state.
1. The mirror should not reflect your depression
In a hairdresser the woman walks as in a relaxation session. Having decided to change her hairstyle, her hair color, she takes an important first step towards changes in her life.
Then it is useful to check your wardrobe. Eradicate the commitment to gray, normal-looking colors in clothing. Buy or create your own sparkly accessories. Change your wardrobe and enjoy a new you!
2. Shake off all the depression in your body
It would be good to find a method of shaking ourselves that allows the influx of positive energies into our being. The easiest way to change states is to go for a walk in the country or a park.
You can spend several hours in the water park: the adrenaline will arrive and the water will take away everything unnecessary. Don’t forget to pamper yourself with a cool glass of orange or drink some other perfect drink in the sun.
3. Communication heals depression
Depression loves loneliness and silence, if no one interferes you can fall deeper and deeper into it. Go to the people. Invite your relatives and friends to visit you. Because we are people and we must communicate. Talk, help each other with advice, with a kind word we help ourselves and our loved ones. Sometimes just one word can bring warm colors to life.
4. Depression does not generate positive words
When you find yourself in a difficult episode in your life, your brain tends to generate negative ideas. However, you should try to speak in a positive way and if possible, with a share of humor. You have a lot of reasons to live happily and happily with people, nature is a beautiful gift.
5. Thought should be a source of joy
The heaviest and saddest thoughts come when a person begins to feel sorry for himself. Leave it alone. You don’t have to regret it, you have to love yourself! If you can’t sleep and dark thoughts prevail, take a shower, eat a piece of chocolate, and go for a walk. Always repeat: “Everything will be fine, I am a strong person and I love the world!
6. A book or a movie always helps
Make yourself a gift. Pick a book. Don’t regret the money – an interesting book will always captivate, calm, and likely get sage advice. The same curative antidepressant effect has a film, preferably a series. And the longer and more exciting, the better.
7. Nature has no depression
You need to communicate with animals and birds more often. It is useful to walk in the forest, in the park. Combine business with pleasure and invite your friends over for a picnic. Stand by the tree, it helps a lot to hug the pine in a depression. Talk for a few minutes about the good, about the light. Breathe with your chest full: the oxygen of the forest invigorates and fills the spirit with power.
8. Sport keeps depression at bay
Sport is generally useful at any age and at any time of the year. For example, I don’t have a sports activity system. But there are times when I understand that it is time to get on the bike and spin the wheels. A good measure to avoid depression is to visit the pool two or three times a week.
9. Creativity is not friendly to depression
Do some creative activity, for example, embroidery. The hands are directly connected to the brain and psyche of a person. Work inspires, calms and pays off. Embroidery, sewing, beading and any other crafts will help distract and forget about depression.
10. Giving up is not an option
The most important thing in fighting depression is to firmly decide that you are willing to fight for victory. And you are free to choose the weapons with which you will defeat depression. And do not forget to look at the sky, smile at the people and extend your hands to the sun and its light.