For some of us, depression can be seasonal, or associated with weather, loss, or sad memories of important life events.
Fighting depression can be easy and controlled, we know that at any moment our chemistry will change and that it was only a momentary lapse due to obvious circumstances. For others, it is not easy to fight depression, since not having to do with anything, you just know that that feeling out of control is going to happen to you, and there seems to be nothing you can do to stop it.
Do you agree that, in our modern society, depression seems to be occurring in epidemic proportions? Even young children, teenagers, and college-age adults have been diagnosed as clinically depressed. Fighting depression is the next step if you already know that you are suffering from this disease.
Depression studies with placebo
In 2002, a contributor to The Washington Post, Shankar Vedantam, wrote an article entitled “Against Depression, a sugar pill is hard to beat,” stating that “in 52% of FDA trials, the effects of antidepressants could not be distinguished from those of a placebo. ”
What’s more, their research also indicated that “a greater severity of depression was associated with a greater change in depressive symptoms in patients treated with antidepressants, versus the opposite effect that was observed in those in the placebo condition of the pill.”
The bottom line is: medications are not a long-term solution. Although it is by no means suggested that you stop taking prescribed medication, here are 10 tips for dealing with depression naturally, it might be wise to start looking towards natural remedies for depression before going for prescription pills.
Prevention is key to fighting depression
If you know your depression is skyrocketing, do your best to avoid it. Reduce anxiety, eat a healthy diet , and participate in an exercise program. Yes, we know that everything is easier said than done, however, they are the most effective preventive measures.
If you are not exercising regularly, it is highly recommended that you do so. There are so many different forms of exercise (ie yoga , aerobics, weight lifting, running, etc.). Start little by little by exercising for up to half an hour at least per day – it can be even more beneficial for the treatment / prevention of depression , if you can do it outside – this will help the blood begin to flow in all parts of your body and you will start to feel better almost instantly. The most important element of any exercise program is finding one that is right for you.
Your diet should be rich in calcium and B vitamins, cut out refined carbohydrates, and avoid sugar . Eat fresh, sustainable food, and use supplements when necessary.
Herbal supplements
The herbs contain many medicinal powers and can cure a variety of ailments. The St. John ‘s wort is one of the most promising herb for treating depression . It has been used for centuries by peoples and cultures around the world. Some of the other beneficial herbs include passionflower, lemon balm, lavender, lemon, valerian, whole oats, and nettle. Begin to research the benefits of herbs on depression and anxiety, while seeking the advice of a certified herbalist, neuropath, or other holistic health care professional.
Sleep enough
Once in a depressed state , one of two things can happen: you sleep a lot or you can’t sleep at all. A great way to protect yourself from sleep irregularities is to create a bedtime routine and stick to it every day. Take a relaxing bath (with Epsom salts), drink a herbal tea to help induce restful sleep naturally, cut down on stimulants, do what works for your lifestyle, but watch your sleep.
Walk through nature
Prioritize your time in nature by spending at least 30 minutes a day outdoors. It is essential for us to connect with nature, especially in times of depression. Cut firewood, spend time in the garden, walk the dog, hike, bike, canoe, go skiing, whatever you choose to do, do it for at least an hour and a half – longer if you can. Exposure to sunlight alone can work wonders.
Use your hands to create something
Doing things with your hands is really great therapy. Relive your gifts given by life – because we all have them – and use them to make something beautiful. Listen to the longings deep within you, by not listening to them, that may be the reason for your depression. Whether it’s doing something around the house, cooking for your family, working on your car, knitting, baking, writing, taking photos, painting pictures. Stop resisting, follow your heart, and do what you like.
Do something for someone else
When you are depressed, our thoughts tend to turn inward. They often begin to relive our wounds and sometimes by helping other people who are suffering, it helps us. It is therapeutic to be able to find the meaning of doing good.
Speak it intellectually
Depression is not the cause of hopelessness and extreme sadness – it is a symptom. If there is a specific problem that is causing these feelings, confront it head-on. Research solutions, meet with a therapist or counselor, set goals, and come up with a plan. Don’t let your problems go unanswered. Hope can be found in the moving step, step by step towards solving our problems.
Call a friend
It could be that we are afraid of becoming a burden to those who love us, but we must remember that we are beings who relate and are specially designed to live in community with others. Resist the urge to isolate yourself and call a friend.
We hope some of these tips are helpful to you. Depression is not something to be ashamed of anymore. Nobody in life is made of roses. Depression is a problem like any other – it is not a character flaw or a moral deficiency – and there are natural methods that can help. In the end, you must take the time to get to know yourself and discover what works best for you. Unfortunately, there are no quick and easy solutions, but there is hope.