Simple things like forming a habit can make a big difference in fighting environmental damage. In this guide, we have summarized some of the habits you can adopt to help save nature, for the environment and your economy.

Friendship is defined not by what you buy for the other person, but by how you act towards them. Therefore, it is logical to think that being respectful with the environment has more to do with our attitudes and habits of caring for the environment, than with the method we choose to buy. Here are 10 simple green cleaning habits that can make a difference not only to the environment, but to your finances as well.

10 habits in favor of the environment

Little things can make a big difference. Every time you turn off the water while brushing your teeth, you are doing something good. Have a leaky faucet? You could be leaking up to 90 gallons (340 liters) of water down the drain every day. So try to fix it, as you can see, small things can make big differences if we all repeat them.

1. Take off your shoes at the door

Your shoes carry dust, dirt, water, and a host of potential carpet stains. If you and your family have a habit of leaving your shoes at the door, that will reduce the amount of dirt that settles in the house due to shoes, so you will have to clean your floors less often.

2. Use aromatic essences

Renew the air every time you go to the bathroom, with this very useful trick. When you take out a new roll of toilet paper, put a few drops of your favorite essential oil in the cardboard toilet paper tube . This will release the aroma of the oil each time the paper is used.

3. Hang clothes to dry

Excessive use of the dryer can be one of the biggest culprits for a high electricity bill. Get into the habit of using a clothesline, and in the summer consider hanging your clothes and towels on it.

4. Reuse bath towels

Let your bath towels dry between showers and use them multiple times rather than washing them after each use. You’re clean when you get out of the shower, so your towels will never get dirty quickly but just need a chance to dry. If you have limited towel bars, you can install hooks on the back of the bathroom door, or preferably in a dry, well-ventilated area.

5. Use cloth napkins

Not only do cloth napkins last longer than paper napkins, they look and feel so much better. Cloth napkins are cheap and easy to find, and there are all kinds of styles available to suit any table setting. You rewash the napkins when the guests have finished, but when it’s just the family, you can reuse the same napkins for several days, something you would never do with paper napkins, especially if they are not the children’s.

6. Old rags are a treasure

Do you have old t-shirts and socks? Wondering what you will do with the old sheets and towels? Give them a new use and leave your paper towels in the cupboard. Fabric absorbs spills better than paper, anyway, and this will not only give you a useful new use, you can save a lot of money on cleaning supplies.

7. Scrape the dishes

Most of the water and energy you’ve spent cleaning dishes occurs when food has been allowed to stick to the dishes in question. After dinner, if you don’t have time to run the dishwasher or fill a sink with suds, at least scrape off the dishes and you can put even the leftovers to a new use by composting them at home and thus also preventing the elbow of the pipe from seizing. greasing. As you see? You have solved two things at the same time in a friendly way to the environment and your economy.

8. Supermarket trash bags and newspaper bags

Every time you are given plastic or paper bags in a purchase where you forgot to take your ecological bag, save them and use them at home as garbage bags in the bathrooms and bedrooms. You can also make adjustable bags or cones out of newspaper to use in the same way.

9. Reuse ziploc bags

The next time you need a bag, reuse the old ones first. There is no need to throw away most of these handy packaging. You can wash them with soap, dry them and put them back when you are not using them.

10. Avoid using plastic

One of the biggest contributors to environmental degradation is plastic. It has devastatingly affected both land and marine life. Instead of buying bottled water, consider purchasing a water filter for your refrigerator or tap. Today there are water filters that, having the possibility of buying them, have ecological and health benefits (providing a large amount of minerals).

If you can adopt these green and simple habits, then you will make the planet a better place for everyone. They are easy, and most of them will save you money.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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