Being a parent is without a doubt the hardest job in the world. When you become a parent, you are suddenly responsible for your child’s future. Every parent wants their child to grow up to be a caring, compassionate, intelligent, honest, and hardworking adult. In order to instill these qualities in children , it is important to start teaching them when they are very young.

10 important things 10-year-olds should already have learned

There are so many things we want to teach and show our children as they grow up ready to take on the world on their own. In order to be a conscientious adult, a 10-year-old should already be clear on these things

1. Respect others

Teach your child to respect others, regardless of their gender, age, race, or religious views. Make sure they understand that showing respect to other people is part of being a kind, considerate and compassionate human being, and those are great human values.

2. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes

We all make mistakes, it’s part of being human. Teach your child that every mistake is a learning opportunity. Make sure they know it’s perfectly okay to try and fail, and when they fail, teach them to have the courage to try again.

3. Knowledge is more important than degrees

Teach your child that learning is what really matters. If you do not answer some questions on your exam, going over and studying them again to understand the correct answers is enough. There should be no drama if they don’t get a perfect grade, don’t let them think that getting a “B” or less is the end of the world.

4. Your child should know that he can come to you for help

Many parents struggle with the line between being a parent and being a friend. It is important to understand that being there for your child does not mean crossing the line. Make sure your child knows that they can come to you with questions or with their problems at any time, and you will be there to help.

5. Don’t be afraid to get up on your own

As you teach your child about respect, explain that they also have the right to defend their beliefs or opinions. Let him know that standing up for himself is important, and that there is always a way to do it that remains respectful of others.

6. Don’t give in to peer pressure

Your child is sure to face peer pressure at some point in his life. Teach him that being honest and true to who he is is much more important than doing something he doesn’t want to do in order to get someone else’s approval.

7. It’s okay to ask questions

Teach your child that it is okay to ask questions. If they don’t understand something or are just curious, let them know that asking questions is a great way to expand their knowledge, and they should never feel embarrassed to speak up.

8. Respect the environment

Teaching children about the beauty of nature will help them learn to respect their surroundings at an early age. Make sure they know how important it is to take care of our environment.

9. Tell a close adult if you are not feeling well

Make sure your child knows that their health comes first. If they feel dizzy during gym class, they need to know that telling a teacher is the right thing to do. A child should never be afraid to talk about their health for fear that an adult will get angry . You must understand that you may not even get that person to know well about what is happening to you and it is okay, not everyone will understand the same, and then you should find another close adult who knows and tell them the situation.

10. Learn to say “No”

Make sure your child is not afraid to say “no” when necessary. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable or is trying to get you to do something that you know is wrong, teach them to stand up and say “no.” This lesson will be very helpful throughout your adult life.

By Dr. Eric Jackson

Dr. Eric Jackson provides primary Internal Medicine care for men and women and treats patients with bone and mineral diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, and other chronic illnesses.He is a Washington University Bone Health Program physician and is a certified Bone Densitometrist. Dr. Avery is consistently recognized in "The Best Doctors in America" list.

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